
SAPR & Green Dot EPR Bullets

- #1/25 VVAs/sel'd 1st ever SAPR NCOIC; 33 SA rpts/97 inquiries f/4 Wgs--rptng incrs'd 40%/HQ USAFA NCOQ3!

- Active and involved, kept chain of command apprised of climate--prevented obstacles to mission accomplishment

- Administered surveys to assess morale; identified areas of concern, submitted recommendations; incidents down 30%

- Advocated for anti-discriminatory work environment--earned big dividends in morale, loyalty, and productivity

- Assessed human relations climate at deployed location; 4 AOR visits, prov real-time feedback, maintained ldrshp

- Assisted SARC w/short-notice DoD tasker: reviewed 200+ records/5.5 hrs--tasker completed early w/ 100% accuracy

- Cert'd SAPR vol; dedicated 168 hrs on-call, 11 hrs CT/gave 22 brfs--enhanced spt f/2 wgs, helped est wg SAPR bldg

- Committed to climate of dignity, respect--intrusive ldrship reduced incidents as measured in annual sq assessment

- Conducted climate assessments; engaged, surveyed 150 members; gained insight morale, improved working relationship

- Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values

- Dedicated HAASA mbr; vol'd 2K hrs w/VA, manned SAPR airshow info booth--enforced AF values for >600K pers

- Dedicated Victim Advocate; finished SAPR/SARC counselor trng--provided 23 AF mbrs/families w/vital spt

- Delivered consistent mentorship; reinforced AF values--reduced negative incidents, improved morale, loyalty

- Demonstrated firm adherence to standards; ensured fair treatment of all--maintained productive, harassment-free flt

- Develops/implements SA awareness prevention & response educatn trng f/10.5K mil, civ & families across USAFA

- Directs Helping Agencies to track action for survivors across VVA, OSI, JA, MDG, SVC, HC & lcl Rape Crisis Ctr

- Driven victim advocate; dedicated 395 hrs, vetted 15 mbr files--delivered "zero discrepancies" during MAJCOM insp

- Encouraged workplace climate that fostered dignity and respect for all Airmen and Civilians--zero W/C incidents

- Enforced adherence to SAPR values; maintained 100% trained every qtr; removed distractions, increased msn focus

- Ensured all Amn trained on SAPR issues; briefed with weekly safety briefing--reduced obstacles to msn accomplishment

- Ensured fair, respectful treatment of all assigned; conducted monthly SAPR assessments--increased awareness 200%

- Established a workplace/climate in compliance with AF SAPR/EO progs--fostered dignity, respect for all sq members

- Expressed concern for members/victims; trained all mbrs; achieved diverse team climate, improved section morale

- Facilitated 3 SAPR classes; briefed all new unit members--prevented incidents/obstacles to mission accomplishment

- Foster'd 1st DAF Nat'l Discussion; dir'd 71 spkrs/41 univs/USECDEF/3 MSAs--best prev strats id'd f/1.2M at risk pop

- Fostered fair treatment, cultural awareness environment; reduced incidents 30% as measured by annual assessment

- Helped improve the perception of SAPR, equal opportunity pgms--leadership increased involvement and pgm success

- Identified absence of SAPR guidance in Sq OIs; recommended implementation, developed, implemented guidance

- Implemented SAPR awareness program; inspired interest, facilitated conversations; increased SAPR awareness 200%

- Informed all new sq members on SAPR policies IAW CC policy; directly responsible for sq-wide climate improvement

- Initiated SAPR campaign that created full awareness--reduced HR and Sexual Assault incidents to zero in less than 1yr

- Lead SAPR small group discussions of 21 amn strengthening awareness and preparedness against sexual assault

- Leader! Stands behind principles; supported AF SAPR program by example and actions--achieved unit/team harmony

- Leads 9 mbr SAPR team; coordinates meetings, trainings, CC & survivor requests/advises CV/central POC f/4 wings

- Led 13 sq/grp/base discussions; engaged 462 enl/of/civ mbrs--cultivated respect & SAPR/Green Dot/CTIP knowledge

- Led SecDef initiative Stand down; drove 4 mbr diversity tm/briefed 35 prsnl, 220 trained--addressed key issue f/119K

- Made AF SAPR program a priority--created, fostered environment of dignity and respect--enhanced shop productivity

- Made on-the-spot corrections to maintain Sexual Assault Prevention policies--maintained focus on fair treatment

- Managed training pgm that achieved a 99% tng status--sq first--complied with AF effort to implement SAPR pgm

- Overhaul'd collab f/7 HA; recruit'd 10 vols/34 briefs/28 sqds/mentor'd 25 VVAs--dcrs'd barriers f/10.5K prsnl by 37%

- Oversaw SAPR prgm; coor'd CC call slides/briefed 60 AF mbrs--enhanced awareness & zero tolerance policy

- Promoted a professional and safe work environment; adhered to SAPR guidelines; coord monthly training for all

- Provided assistance, mentoring to 7 reps; ensured AMC coverage; achieved diverse team climate throughout command

- SAPR SME f/SH&V insp; org'd 13 agencies/DoD SAPRO O8/val'd $400K--annual MSA rpt f/congress w/ZERO errs

- SAPR victim advocate; provided 50 office/300 on-call hrs/36 briefings--enhanced survivor spt during critical shortage

- Sel'd by HQ f/$1M CHiPS/SCC pgms; mngd $185K gear/taught 95hrs/300hrs f/pilot study--id'd SA risk fctrs f/1K cdts

- Served as the Eq Opp and SAPR rep; provided daily counseling; 1st time lowest formal complaint rate in the Group

- Set the example; initiated discussions during training sessions; involvement of all mbrs improved productivity

- Spearheaded effort to increase Grp's Victim Advocate manning level--coordinated vols, trained, reduced response time

- Supported the AF SAPR program; ensured environment free of harassment--annual survey verified reduced incidents

- Supported the Sexual Assault Prevention Program through action and communication; increased understanding 500%

- Trained 90 Amn how to recognize and mitigate sexual harassment and assault--75% less dorm incidents reported

- Trained mbrs on sexual harrassment intervention techniques before deployment--no incidents--morale spiked

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