
Aircraft Loadmaster
Enlisted Performance Report Examples

See also: Aircraft Loadmaster Awards

Duty Descriptions

- Screens, manifests, & transports passengers for airlift
- Provides information control and coordination between aerial port sections and load teams
- Updates logistics management systems and disseminate information into mission schedule

Performance Assessment

- A3T DTS AO; approved 375+ travel orders/val'd $730K tng budget--fostered travel f/hi-pri tactics & tng advisement
- Actively enrolled in CCAF; CLEP'd three credit hours; on track for Applied Sciences degree--90% completed
- AD'd 169K lb critical supplies to soldiers in contact w/enemy; sustained warfighting effort--Taliban shredded
- Aid'd smuggling combative effort; resupplied JTF-B w/prsnl/12 tons ammo--bolster'd Panama border security rqmnts

- Alft'd 14 MRAP's to AOR; ensured continued ground operations--improved IED protection for coalition mbrs
- Alft'd Apache helo/4 armored SUVs/Secret Service personnel to Africa--ensured success of hi-vis POTUS msn
- Alft'd wounded warriors; 5 sorties/33 patients--provided safe movement of critically injured pax to trauma ctr
- Alft'ed 6K+ lbs of crucially needed blood to AOR; strengthened medical capabilities downrange--lives saved

- Amassed 146 flight hrs; moved 317 k lbs cargo and 142 troops--supplied battlefront warriors ISO OEF/OND
- Amassed 168+ hours of JCS directed Homeland Security reconstitution & alert; 437 AW's #1 priority mission
- Amassed 630 flight hours on 131 sorties--Sq's workhorse for 2010; heeded nations call during her time of need
- Attained ??? insps/evals; contributed to MXG's 8.9K+ insps--key ingredient to the MXG's stellar ??% pass rte

- Automated sq mob folder tracking; overhauled PRK tracking accuracy--100% accountability of sensitive docs

- Bed down Afghan Ally safe haven; processed/resettled/clothed >15K refugees--solidifi'd DOS msn success f/24mos
- Boosted pandemic ops; spt'd 8-mbr tm, gen'd 326 crews/978 sorties/13.2M lbs cgo--equip'd CCDRs w/vital alft capes
- Built 9 mobile tng tm's; expedited tng rqmts/certified 330 prsnl at home--purged backlog/saved $470K in TDY costs

- C-5 issues CFT OPR; org'd data f/3 div's/pres hi-pri mnthly decision brf--advised A3 ldrshp of maj issues & remedies
- C-5M FORGEN focal pt; devised 24 mnth tng cycle/establ'd MAF dplymnt tng--evolved strategic airlift tng ramp-up
- Carried Xoos support personnel and 91.5K of cargo to the country of Yemen -- provided strength to #1 misson
- Ceremoniously transported 9 fallen soldiers home; final resting place--family members received peace of mind

- Chaired virtual Tng Rvw Brd; dir'd 30 mbr forum/coord'd & adjudicated 46 pg memo--publish'd RTM f/6 C-5M TF sqs
- Chosen for 1st operations Low Cost Low Altitude msn; validated M28 as cmbt AD MDS--user req'mnt met
- Cmd'd 42 mbr CRT; facilitated 37 sorties/moved 576K lbs cgo--secured 8x upgrades/7x checkrides/6K jt prsnl trained
- Completed 4hrs UCC tng classes; certified on Sq command and control--100% qualified for critical position

- Completed C-17A LM instructor school; rcv'd Q-1 "Excellent" on eval--increased instructor core capabilities
- Completed initial M28 training min time; immediately deployed--prevented LM less than one-to-one dwell
- Coord'd donated eqpmt alft; prov'd LM FTU w/17 rolling stock--saved FY23 budget $700K/cgo tng avail 2 yrs early
- Created C-5 pilot haz cgo tng; realized tng void/dvlp'd annual CBT--boosted MDS specific procedures & knowledge

- Crushed 30 combat sorties; alft'd 86T cgo/446 pax & executed 11 covert onloads--life-line to HOA counter-terror ops

- Delivered 121K lb Assault Breacher Vehicle to austere Afghan airfield--improved USMC combat capabilities
- Delivered 2 helos, 6 SUVs, 3 HMMVs, 40 foot Navy RHIB & 55 Seals to Puerto Rico--kept hi-vis msn ontime
- Delivered 309K lbs of Lebanese/Jordanian/UAE supplies; spt'd Combined Exchange Tng Ex--enhanced Jt Ops
- Delivered 7 Stryker combat vehicles to OIF forces--supplemented U.S. combat troops w/secure mobility assets

- Delivered C-130J Mx spt; alft'd 8 prsnl & crit repair components to central Europe--combat capability restored <4 hrs
- Deployed 145 dys OAW; processed 2.7K incidents/spt'd 21tents/sust'd 60 acre site--est'd TF Helpdesk f/12K+ refugees
- Deployed COMSEC custodian; 100% accountability of $30K equipment--crews self sufficient for msn demand
- Diligently track'd in/outbound Afghan guests; effectively resettl'd >3K allies--strengthen'd relations w/future US civs

- Dir'd LM tng overhaul; monitored units tng stats/dvlp'd get-well plans--reduced student backlog 25%/upgr time 10%
- Directed Sq CT pgm overhaul; revised 24 crs'/instr'd 360 studs/cut syllabus 23%--eliminated instr prep redundancies
- Discovered obsolete alft certs; ID'd 5K lb cgo discrep, liaised w/ATTLA for fix--enabled safe return of $308M asset
- Displayed exceptional airmanship & instructional ability, amassed over 69 IL hrs of 198 total hrs on 57 sorties

- Dply'd 75 days; flew 194 hrs/84 sorties/2.7M lbs cargo/300 pallets/1.1K prsnl ISO OIR/OFS--thwarted ISIL advances
- Dply'd F-15E UTC spt pkg; mng'd upld of 66K lbs, dlvr'd eqpmt <72 hrs--enabled def/offense capes in Syrian region
- Drove execution of 357 HHQ taskings; readied 627 CRFs for deployment--supported 18 AF/CJCS/POTUS missions
- Drove loss of pressurization actions; coord'd cklsts/direct'd oxygen use--avoid'd divert/elim'd hypoxia danger f/32 pax

- Drove MAF-wide winch insp; ID'd locking handle rigging deficiency--averted structural damage to $14B C-5M fleet
- Dvlp'd C-5M LM VR preflt tng; directed programmer inputs & chgs--proj'd $500K yrly savings/red'd acft ground tng
- Dvlp'd/validated CJCS directed ldplns; loaded 500K lbs eqpmt/tnd 120 SOCOM users--reduced C-5M alft rqmts 25%

- Epitomized professionalism; selected to fly AMC/A3/DO into OEF theater for site visits--hands on AOR assets
- Escorted U.N. Envoy/AF Chief of Safety throughout OIF--allowed key inspections/on-time arrival at each base
- Ex MOB GUARDIAN RAMPCO; coord'd ops plan with aircrews/spt agencies--integrated w/25 nations/$3.7B assets
- Executed hi-vis NDU global msn; trans'd 17 Jt svc GOs/6 aflds across 4 nations--DoDs Sr leaders Capstone complete

- Executed J3 dirct'd AE msn; coord'd w/MPC & 4 users to launch/exfil in record time--saved lives of 3 wound'd prsnl
- Executed msn ISO global climate change initiative; carried 6 vehs/76K lbs eqpt/8 pax--spt'd POTUS #3 agenda item
- Executed realistic joint trng; airdropped 120 Marines in sim combat conditions--maintained vital combat skills
- Expeditiously alft'd 238 detainees on Persons Under Control msn--removed threats from volatile OIF regions

- Extremely qualified Loadmaster! Accomplished 168 combat mission sorties accumulating over 241 hrs

- Facilitated wg's block tng; choreographed 374 crs's/2.6K students taught--qual'd 600 prsnl for 3 JFT-PO Alert Cycles
- Flew 139.8 hrs/145 cmbt sorties/airdropped 21 LCLA bundles totaling 11K pounds/168 pax/31K cargo moved
- Flew 157 hrs, led 69 pers over 77 days; alft'd 1.1M lbs cgo/42 pax over 6 cbt msns--directly spt'd 4 CCDRs in 3 AORs
- Flew 175 combat sorties on 51 msns totaling 350 flt hours--enabled Air Mob Director to maximize C-17 utility

- Flew 2 Hi-Vis AFRC msns in direct spt of JBER & Operation PATRIOT GRIZZLY--2 month spt of F-22 & ACC Op
- Flew 3 Phoenix Banner msn's; 45K cargo tons/40 pax--provided direct POTUS spt; hi-vis msn on time/on frag
- Flew 332 hrs/206 combat; alft'd 4M lbs eqpt/2K pax/475 pallets--earned Q1-Excellent on eval & coined by AMC/CC
- Flew 70 ammunition pallets into Kandahar; provided much need support for war fighter; protecting US troops

- Flew 86 cbt sorties/536 hrs; airlifted 5362 trps/4.7million lbs cargo ISO OIF/OND--Supplied six ISAF bases
- Flew five fallen warriors from OIF/OEF to Qatar; key participant in ceremony--heroes laid to rest with honor
- Forward deploy'd allied forces; 425 French grnd troops/86 tons cargo delivr'd--sustain'd force rq's f/Op BARKHANE

- Grad'd AETC Instructor LM Crs; 100% on EOC exam/instr'd 9 studs/logged 150 IL hrs--incrs'd Sq msn rdy rate 30%

- Handpicked by Sq/CC to represent 437 AW; received a new C-17 from factory--fleet enhanced with new asset

- ID'd & resolved cgo restraint deficiencies; taught 5 prsnl tiedown principles--safeguarded 60K lbs of rockets for flt ops
- ID'd critical acft loadplan error; coordinated on-the-spot fix--efforts expedited alft of msn-critical MRAP parts
- ID'd ld plan HAZMAT errors; instr'd 6-mbrs on corrective actions--avert'd delay/enabled on-time msn crit MRAP rprs
- ID'd ld pln HAZMAT discreps; instr'd 11 pers on corrective procedures--avert'd acft delay, dlvr'd 6 MRAP vehs to FOB

- ID'd shortfall of fall protection; gleaned current procedure--coord'd process rewrite/conversion/1.2K psnl safe
- Identified leak of 2K lbs industrial grade expanding foam--prevented potential disaster to aircraft & personnel
- IL for Aircrew Chem Warfare Ex; eval'd new sim syllabus/highlighted eqpt/cklst discreps--drove X OG LM tng plan
- Insp'd cgo manifest/CBP docs; ID'd incorrect forms, coord'd solution w/ gnd spt--ensured on-time dlvry of 30K HHG

- Inspected 100% of the XXX AW's airdrop loads; flew as an Inst Loadmaster--100% msn success and top score!
- Instituted new Sq mobility line procedure; reduced pre-deployment processing time 50%--benchmarked by OG

- Key GFLR airlift assest; trnspt'd 3 offensive platforms to LZ/AD resupplied gnd units--proov'd C-130 mobility capes
- Key player f/OAW; prim'd 406 JTF Liberty mbrs/ldrshp f/largest US airlift ops--safeguard'd evacuation f/12K Allies

- Launched on 12-hr alert/led 10-mbr load tm; alft'd 12 soldiers/132K lbs cbt eqpmt--fwd dply'd 4ID ISO OFS < 48 hrs
- Lead crew 1st-ever LCLA formation airdrop; 2 tons cgo delivered--village sustainment op flawlessly executed
- Led 12 evaluators/instrs in 3 sqs; standardized GTIMS/SELO pgms--sealed Sq SSgt Henry E. "Red" Erwin awd nom
- Led C-5M LM FTU syllabus dvlpmnt; drove FTU chgs/synch'd AFRC/AMC priorities--reduced MR tng days 63%

- Led CRW's DoD CSAR Plng Conf tm; scripted CRF tng events w/NGO/NATO allies--secured $200K ACC funding
- Led Fairfax SAR tng msn; qual'd 34 civs on AMC pallet prep/HAZMAT/load rqmts--readied global <24-hr emer resp
- Loaded/rigged/dropped 92Klbs LCLA bundles/144 pax/21K cargo; life line for CJSOTF real world prior

- M-28 LM SME corresponded with lead civilian contractor obtaining limits crucial to combat ops; Safety first
- MAJCOM LM U&TW SME; transformed LM CFETP & tng stds--ensured career prog in-line w/current AF priorities
- Managed AMC's largest ACLP pgm; led 14 instrs/coord'd 68 crs's/trained 1.4K prsnl--26% of DoD rdy for AMC alft
- Manages XXX AS night vision goggle trng prgm--logged 97.6 night vision flying hrs; flawless night vision ops

- Maxed resources; eval'd/ID'd Hgr 10 fuel cell mx rqmt--multiplied Wg fuel cell capacity/rdy ramp for closure
- MEDEVAC'd; 4 CCAT/12 stable/6 ambulatory patients from Afghanistan--expedited care to life saving facility
- Mitigated acft door malfunction; coord'd fault w/mx, executed alt procedures--avert'd $20K MRT/dlvr'd 118K lbs cgo
- Mitigated cgo door malfunction; coord'd w/mx to manually override fault--averted $20K MRT/dlvr'd 118K lbs cargo

- Mng'd OG & 2x Sq MICT pgms; mng'd 56 assessments/2K items...corrected 89 discreps--cinch'd vertical insp success
- MXG lead for weight & balance; verified 55 acft configurations--95.9% HSLDR/QA Professional of mo/Nov

- Organized orientation flight f/30 personnel; bolstered relationship w/ 4 base organizations--Coined by 726 EABS CC
- Oversaw $28M FY21 ATS sustainment efforts; managed 6 sims/5 sites/15k tng hrs--avoided $500M acft flt ops bill

- Performed 142 evals/insps in 3 mos; invaluable tng/mentorship for 70 prsnl--completed 22% of all MXG insps
- Pioneered UTC handbook revise; validated rqmts/coord'd 82 changes--amplified unit's awareness of CRG msn capes
- Poland Partner Development Prgm; MC-130H orientation POC to 37 host nation reps--NATO/JT ties solidified
- Pre-flighted/loaded 4 acft ISO Yemen evac; reduced crew SOE by 66%--enabled extraction & saved lives of 173 pax

- Prepped Sq for ORI; led 2 OREs for 30+ players; 1500+ items tracked--recognized by IG for "best practices"
- Primary APEX Evaluator; enforced/val'd AF loading standards--enabled flexible load sched/314 acft departed on time
- Provided rapid air mobility f/ex RF; infill'd field security team into austere FOB--proov'd AMC adaptive basing capes

- Rebuilt Small Air Terminal airdrop functions supporting C-130Js aftr msn resmption--restored crucial ability
- Received JAI cert; complt'd AD inspection tng at Fort Lee, obtained ALIC--boosted sppt f/AW's 1.1K yearly airdrops
- Reconfigured a/c inflt for emer MEDEVAC; uploaded three critically wounded coalition troops--lives saved
- Recv'd MoH! ID'd loose Mark 24 after NVA 82-mm mortar attack; secured flare/ejected from acft; saved crew!

- Rescued Jt svc multi-modal; recut enroute to facilitate redplymt of 57 helos/2.7M lbs cgo--1 AD CAB dply'd on-time
- Responded to in-flt cabin altitude emer; direct'd use of O2 masks/ID'd pressure seal leak--safeguarded 25 pax/9 crew
- Revised C-5M tng AFMAN; dir'd changes/revitalized final product--generated tng in-line w/AMC evolving strat msn
- Revitaliz'd missing/lost Afghan Children prgm; coord'd & catalog'd 117 missing child incidents--reunit'd 90+ families

- Scheduled 110+ aircrews during "surge ops"; OIF/OEF msns safely executed--exceeded AMC guidance 50%
- SEL during C-5M engine shutdown; ID'd hyd leak/org'd CRM & emer cklsts--avert'd $320M acft loss/saved 13 lives
- Sel'd for Phoenix Banner msn; transported 19 USSS mbrs/30K lbs comm eqpt--secured POTUS mtg w/Jordan's King
- Sel'd IL for MOBEX gnd tng; instructed 11 APS prsnl/loaded 11 vehs & 4 pallets--penned observations f/XX AW/IG

- Selected f/IL upgrade; demo'd superior SA/CRM & exprnce to train/lead MLs--increas'd instructor core to dvlp CEAs
- Sole X AS UTM; pursued/completed AFTR tng/mng'd 134-prsnl OJT roster--garnered "Outstanding" SAV insp grade
- Southern Illinois Elite Basketball asst coach; mentored 22 youth/vol'd 200+ hrs--strengthened work habits & tm work
- Spearheaded 27 ETAR approvals; communicated disposition w/ALC engineers--eliminated 278 acft NMC hrs

- Spt d JTFN msn;12 ship/300 Jt & Int l paratroopers delivered over Normandy DZ--ushered 75th D Day remembrance
- Spt'd 101 Airborn Div; AD'd 4 HE/12 CDS/19K lbs/384 paratroopers--ensured initial tng capes for 170 prsn'l
- Spt'd USO's "Op PROPER EXIT"; transported 2 MoH recipients/3 WIA into AOR--nation's heroes properly honored
- Sq SABC trainer; authored tng pln/upgraded 5 instr's--expedited SecDef readiness initiative/FSR goal 85% complete

- Supervised sq UCC during critical OREs & ORI; stood up UCC & oversaw 24/7ops--Sq pgm inspection-ready

- Tackled off-duty education; earned 9 business mgmt BS credits--sharpened adv business writing skills/upheld 3.5 GPA
- The Aerial delivery expert! Supervised rigging, inspection, and repair of over 400 parachutes/150 airdrops
- Tireless LM; airlifted 122K lbs cargo/6 pallets/9 RS ISO OK ANG F-16 deployment--assets in place on-time
- Transported 818 pallets, 94 vehicles, 6.7M lbs & 2,484 troops to OIF/OEF theatres--directly impacted GWOT

- Trng NCOIC; rapid gen/tracked 37 upgrade folders in 120 days--crew development crit capes over four AORs

- UEI project officer; led 20 person logistics team to host 36 HQ AMC IG inspectors--cemented wg's 'Effective' rating

- Versatile! Expertly supported aerial port airdrop requirements while maintaining operational flying currencies

- Wg EET mbr; coord'd mx injects of Disease Containment Pln/ORE insps--readied 250 in garrison warrior amn
- Workhorse LM; amassed 373 flight hrs/76 sorties; alft'd 2M lbs cargo & 1.5K pax--direct spt to OIR/OFS warfighters

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