
8I000/CCIP/Wing Inspection EPR Bullets


- 325 FW WIT evaltr; executed 3 exs/5 scenarios; awd'd '15 ACC CINC Installation Excellence--STEP worthy!

- Aced HQ AFRC/A4 MICT inspection; contributed to Sq's "Outstanding" rating; 98.5% pass rate--best in Wing
- Acting wg IG f/2 wks; led 5-mbr insp/ex/complaints resolution tm--ensured flawless execut'n of 4 By-Law insps/2 ex
- Action; performed 88 insps/88 exs/verified 1.6K line items--validated wg's non-nuc msn compliance
- Administered five CIMB presentations; created deficiency/trend analysis charts--synthesized CCIP data for 16 cmdrs

- AFGSC MICTCA; mng'd 14 unit accts/10.8K rqmts/23K users--provid'd combat readiness metrics to SAF/IG
- AFSO21 event Chair; ID'd process imprvmt/drove real-time status 485 MXG LIs--key to $1.5B F-16 fleet spt
- Aid'd w/Wg CEMP revamp; tested new processes/provided POC critical feedback--val'd congressional level program
- AMC/IG spoke! Provided safety presence during ORI/UCI; directly contributed to overall "Excellent" ratings

- Among first AFRC units to undergo new MICT inspection; lauded for innovative training program--Effective
- Assessed and re-vamped CCIP; developed exercise/insp planning folders/checklists--improved pgm oversite by 85%
- Assist'd "Point of Distribution" activation; interview'd 43 DCP pts/saf'd 7.5K wkrs--laud'd "flawless" by WIT
- Assistant TODO prgm mgr; zero discrepancies noted during '09 base UCI--sq & grp earned "Excellent" ratings

- Assisted during ground up flt review/preparation for MICT--inspectors lauded "flight best seen to date"
- Author'd Wg/CC initial insp rpt; ID'd hi-risk areas/benchmarks to AFCENT/ACC CCs--val'd wg's cmbt effectiveness
- Authored MICT template; estab'd wg baseline/drove an "embrace the red" mindset--XXX unit id'd SAC observations

- BNR'd to SAV USAFA/MPS by 10 MSG/CCC; 26 prgms evaluated--AFIA rated "in compliance" during UCI
- Bolstered Wg's MICT program; oversaw 1,600 communicators/trained 71 SAPMs--improved compliance for KAFB
- Brilliant IG inspector; aided in identifying 89 critical & sig deficiencies--improved WG compliance & CCs awareness
- By name req for UCI insp at Minot AFB/5 LRS; scoured pgms/id'd 5 discrep/reengaged dplymnt focus areas

- By-the-book; 5/5 MICT insps; lauded "administration beyond reproach"--recognized as "Outstanding Performer"

- CC Inspection Management Board lead; compiles MICT/IGEMS inspection data--briefs CCIP status to Wg ldrs
- CC trusted agent/WIT for base exer; id'd vulnerabilities/provided evaluation oversight--strengthened 10-2 capabilities
- Championed Sq MICT prgm; inspected 96 checklists/2.4K items--compliance catapulted 56% to 94% w/in 6 months
- Chartered Sq MICT prgm; incorporated 38 communicators/trained 42 assessors/6 workcenters--unit inspection ready

- Completed Inspector General Trng Crse; gained vital prgm insight--enhanced WIT footprint in CC's Inspection Prgm
- Conducted 187 FW natural disaster exercise; evaluated 1400 ANG/TFI members response--solidified WG CCIP pgm
- Conducted ATSO trng/301 gp prsnl; WIT cadre expert/1st ever trng based ORE--highlighted CPS shelter capes
- Conducted MICT cross insp; val'd 120 checklist items/ID'd 14 errors/corrected 8 observations--unit insp ready

- Conducted MICT/IGEMS training course; trained over 50 personnel--ensured understanding of inspection pgm
- Conducted two unit vertical insp's; ID'd 16 prgm shortfalls to leadership--ensured msn focus/AF compliance
- Coord'd no-notice Sortie Production Assmnt by PACAF/A4; lauded by BrigGen Hill--MX msn effectiveness valid'd
- Coordinated 2014 NSI/DNSI team beddowns; exceeded team reqt's for 97 inspectors--100% beddown success

- Cornerstone of MICT trends; id'd deficiencies/149 neglect'd programs--fostered compliance/739+ wg communicators
- Crafted 1st-ever armed helo ex; taught A3X NSI convoy requirements--provided SF/JFO C3 TTPS to 3 MWs
- Created UCI inspection binder; provided "1-stop" question/answer format w/documentation--praised by 12 AF
- CSS MICT lead; owns 17 prgm checklists/600+ inspection items; id'd/fix 84 discrepancies--solid prgm mx!

- Designed and implemented IGEMS CC's trng pgm; minimized input faults--HHQ deficiency resolution rt down 95%
- Developed 187 FW IGEMS trng plan; trnd 157 WIT members on correct input procedures--input errors reduced 75%
- Developed Center wide deficiency tracking system; improved center organizational nuclear surety & readiness
- Developed core task tracker; reduced AF trng time 50% benchmarked by sq--deemed best practice UCI inspctr

- Devlp'd section training manual; reduced trng deficiencies by 40%--praised by functional manager during insp
- Directed HAF SII insp; validated FIAR rmqts f/3 Wg accts/27 eqpmt assets/$7.5M--benchmark lauded by PACAF IG
- Drove Active Shooter ex; led 39-mbr tm/bridged 23 process gaps--val'd sec rspns/safety f/9K jt/coalition cmbt forces
- Drove flight UCI preparation efforts; aided MPS earning 3 Superior Performers & Wg's 99% compliancy rate

- Drove key CCIP oversight; trn'd 9 WG/IG & 80 WIT mbrs--improved AFIS knowledge & inspection process
- Dynamic leader, vigorous worker; leadership directly contributed to flt/sq/grp/base 2009 UCI "Excellent"
- Dynamic NCO; additional duty first shirt--assisted w/multi duties across WG; provided support to WG safety office

- Entrusted by Wg/CC w/Congressional by-law insp's; ID'd 22 deficiencies/fixed < 4 wks--awarded Sept '17 WSA MVP
- Ex'd Wg HA/DR resp; directed 40 pers/insp'd contingency plans f/4 units--enhanced 1st responders/recovery protocol
- Exceeded CSAF's readiness intent; conduct'd 26 assessments on 1,327 Wg mbrs--AETC/IG: "the 81st paved the way"
- Exceptional manager!--increased communication between SAPMs & CCs--bridged prgm shortages across WG CCIP

- Executed Active Shooter Ex; stress-tested Wg's readiness/response--id'd five unit shortfalls/provided LL to leadership
- Executed MICT evals; inspected 18 items/ensured compliance--efforts led to 379 ELRS earning UEI 'Effective' rtg
- Expert prog mgr for 640+ Wg SACs, 210 obs & 232 def; custom built trkg systems ensured AF & ACC compliance
- Extraordinary author; deftly updated FWI 90-202 to ensure adhesion to policy; assisted publ 3 other internal policies

- Facil cultr shift frm insp to msn rdy! Creatd educ matl for rpd absorb; trngd 50+ SAPMs, 128 WIT mbrs, CCs & units
- Facilitated CDDAR EX; ID'd 3 major areas of improvement to MXG/CC--validated Wg Crash Recovery procedures
- Facilitated root cause analysis; corrected 58 deficiencies/11 squadrons--reduced wing non-compliance by 13%
- Filled NCO posn; led 2 WIT GTC Insp/ID'd 5 discreps--Wg on track w/100% compliance/awd'd CPTS AoQ 2nd Qtr

- Filled SNCO position; Spearheads projects & engages in new challenges--selected as OTS candidate/ready to succeed
- Flawlessly engineered Form 55 Program for 2008 ACC UCI...inspectors lauded wing "Best seen in 3 years"

- Gp WIT Lead/26 mbrs; develops exer's, conducts insp & comm's gaps to exec staff on hlth & readiness of MDG pgms

- Handpick'd f/624 AMDS/Wg ATSO ex; brief'd 118 CBRNE SABC/tested capes/9 RIAs--best'd annual rqmts by 5 mos

- Id'd significant QA prgm deficiencies at 2 Wgs; proposed fixes implemented--safeguarded AF nuclear surety
- Identified faulty tech reference on in-progress inspections; submitted 64 AFTO 22s--corrected E-3 fleet discrepancies
- IG Support Branch civilian leader; mngd 29 SF inspector tms--collected/input 125 wg deficiencies/8 strengths
- IGEMS Team Chief; authored 18 post-evaluation CCIP reports--suppli'd senior ldrshp w/150 non-compliant findings

- Instructed Basic Inspector Crs; established evaluation framework/duties/professional stds--24 SME's primed for CCIP
- Instructed six wing-level courses; trained 19 MICT/WIT personnel--equipped proficient/effective/ready units

- Key player in AFIS; present'd WIT brief/clarifi'd roles/emphasiz'd AFRC guidance--increas'd knowledge for 33 prnsl
- Key player--Installation Deployment Readiness Cell 2008 UCI superior team; singled out Superior Performer!

- Launch'd 1st ever Wg IGI deplymnt trng; 2 deployers rdy to rock/27 hrs vs 2 wks--fortified AFCENT CCIP ISO OIR
- Lead MICT administrator; vetted 65 self-inspections areas/65 records--ensured 100% CPD compliance to AOG CCIP
- Led 12-mbr insp tm in WSA insp execut'n; eval'd 828 SACs/ID'd 16 gaps/4 strengths--verif'd unit's msn effectiveness
- Led 1st-ever Persnl Accountability ex/insp; val'd wg ability to accnt f/5K Amn--ex plan modeled by AFCENT AEWs

- Led 20 inspectors thru NSI/UEI inspections; assessed 5 graded areas/3K items--lauded by AFIA Team Chief!
- Led 22 signature mgmt/virtual insps; eliminated 22 vulnerabilities--locked down space and cyber info security
- Led 25-mbr MDG insp tm; eval'd xxx SACs/ID'd xx deficiencies/x strengths-- ensured msn focus/AF compliance
- Led 3 restriction/reprisal investigations; ensured 8 allegations independently examined--NCO/CGO careers protected

- Led 3S0 WIT Phase I/II exer prep; inspected 12 PDF lines/612 PAX/124 sim casualty msgs--inspection ready
- Led 9 on-site visits to trn wing core inspectors on AF inspection sys concept--ensured command combat ready
- Led 93 WIT to execute CCIP; held 33 meetings/expanded eval skills--reduc'd invalid deficiencies for 3.5K line items
- Led bi-monthly WIT/SAPM sessions; expanded inspection skill-sets/CPI--fostered positive culture shift for 211 prsnl

- Led Gp MICT utilization effort; train'd sq on inspection system/outlined duties-strengthen'd eval process for 50 prnsl
- Led Gp MICT utilization effort; trained six squadrons on new inspection software sys--ensured 100% coverage
- Led Wg thru 1st ACC/IG UEI "CAPSTONE" Insp; excelled in all four major graded areas--awd'd "Effective" rating

- Maintained wing's 2nd biggest TO acct--4.5K books; defect free during '09 UCI--sq/grp/base rated "Excellent"
- Manag'd wing MICT pgms; trn'd 11 prsnl f/crit user roles/rvw'd 376 communicators/109 defs--val'd CCIP pgm health
- Managed Det MICT prgm; managed 10 checklists w/126 items--validat'd compliance with USAF & ACC instruction
- Managed MICT/AFCOLS pgms; oversaw 107 items--zero findings/earned "Effective" rating w/kudos during '15 UEI

- Managed section HAZCOM program; zero defects during '09 PACAF UCI; factor in 35 FW's "Excellent" rating
- Methodically maintained training munitions acct; 6K+ items, valued $1M--zero discrepancies noted last insp
- Meticulous! Corrected six safety records; ensured 100% supervisor safety trng--prepared flt for upcoming UCI
- MICT admin for wg's largest sq; coded 137 chklsts/6.8K items/cleared 98 obs's/led 38 mgrs--rec'd Excellent '18 SAV

- MICT prgm mngr; audited 144 chklst items/ID'd 28 discreps/resolv'd 3 observations--unit insp rdy/coined by Sqd CC
- MICT SAP program mgr; managed over 50 checklist & briefed critical procedures--ensured program compliance
- MICT sub-AMP manager; ULSO maintained accountability for xx lasers valued > $xxxx--ensured safety stds
- MICT/IGEMS expert; currently coordinates Wg/MAJCOM closure for 120+ crit/maj/sig/minor deficiencies

- Mission driven; inspected/washed 110 pieces of AGE during Exercise GC 07-1--zero late/frustrated cargo
- Mng'd 2nd CY vSAVs; audited 23 MICT programs/200 chklst discrepancies--expedited SAV report process <6 wks
- Mngd IG Eval Mgmt Sys; finalized 25 rpts/111 findings--provided oversight on trend analysis/deficiency resolution

- Nailed UEI prep; performed 11 insps/27 exercises/ver'd 1.6K line items--val'd wg's non-nuc msn compliance

- On-Site Visit lead; planned/executed 41 prgm reviews/verified 2.2K line items--val'd 6 wgs/WIT execution
- Org'd 12x Wg CIMB Gp/CCs crosstalk platform; coord'd inputs f/29 units--prepared Wg/CC w/vital msn rdy metrics
- Org'd 51 WIT f/AT/FP Base Barrier plan insp; eval'd 17 Sqs/ID'd 11 crit discreps--drove XP anti-terrorism pln re-write
- Org'd wg CIMB x3/coord'd inputs f/26 units; enabl'd Gp/CCs crosstalk platform--equip'd Wg/CC w/vital msn metrics

- Oversaw insp of $1M CBRN resp equip; ensured flt 100% msn rdy; acclaimed "best practice" by WIT tm mbrs
- Oversaw wing CCIP/714 pgms; ID'd/tracked 99 observations--enhanced 17 Sq's continuous prcs improvement
- Oversaw/analyzed 308 deficiencies; improved focus of insp program--provided trend data w/highest msn-impact to CCs

- PAR Team member during review; drafted routes/maps for PAR sweeps prior to insp--noted by IG "best in years"
- Per mult IG roles w/ 50% prsnl shtg! Swiftly lrnd & mastered tasks outside duties; plnd 11 IG insp; created 60+ IG rpt
- Performed 11 periodic shop equipment maintenance inspections; ensured safe/proper operations at all times
- Planned/executed wg's 1st 72hr IRF ex; integrated 12 federal & local msn partners--KAFB ready for nuc emergencies

- Primary Shelf Life Monitor; inspected 659 L/I/$5M--ID d 25 expired assets 100% MICT compliance < 1 mo

- QB'd PACAF A4 visit; drafted 5 day itinerary/spt'd 20 mbr tm f/no-notice MXG insps--key to Wg s C130J transition

- Re-tooled CCIP; streamlined reporting/increased Ex's two-fold toward contingency preparation-Wing Ready to Fight
- Reinvigorated deficiency closure/54 items; distilled org trend analysis--refocused wing self-assessment prgm
- Rejuvenat'd WIT prgm; revamp'd insp/ex process/stndrdz'd eval criteria f/70 mbrs--facilitat'd 1st base CBRN ex/3 yrs
- Restructured FARM pgm; consolidated 16 file plans across 3 flts--slashed missing ERM reqs by 25%/picked for WIT

- Revamped flt's periodic mx prgm; zero errors noted during UCI--contributed to sq/grp/base "Excellent" rating
- Revamped MAJCOM SE MICT guide; streamlined 88 protocols/document stds--10X efficiency surge; adopted at HAF!
- Revamped OR&L section; 11 binders/17 tasks zero write ups for pre UCI inspection--lauded by PACAF FAM
- Revitalized Precious Metal Recovery Prgm; coord w/ 7 units/17 train'd--cleared two yr MICT backlog < 1 mo

- Selected as wing safety WIT member; expert guidance key for major accident response exer--safe ops ensured
- Self-Insp Prgm Mngr; scrutinized 332 MICT criteria/guided clinic during TJC insp--gp lauded/received highest rating
- Spearheaded wg root-cause analysis; 134 deficiencies corrected/0 repeats--eradicated systemic issues across Wg/HHQ
- Spt'd UEI Capstone event; coord'd 20 vehicles/104 ATIS-G mtg's/supplies f/1-week insp--smooth ops f/44 inspectors

- SQ MICT instr; improved assessor/validator efficiency/highlighted stds x1.7K items--compliance raised 50%
- Sq WIT mbr; conducted 3 insps/ascertained FW/CC Insp Prgm; 100% compliant--key to Wg 2015 ACC CINC Awd
- Steered IG virtual insp pgm; eval'd two wgs/11 units/579 insp areas/44 discrs--key'd cmd's 38K hr/657M FHP
- Superbly managed 3 MPS sect's during SNCO shortage; conducted trng, led UCI prep--met msn target by 100%

- Support'd host-wing CONDOR CREST Ex; coord'd static aircraft/scenario development/WIT prsnl--enrich'd alliance
- Sync'd Wgs Strat Plns; coord'd 33 SAVs/12 audits/negated 7 sched conflicts--primed 4 Grps f/CV-22 SATAF support
- Synergistic effect; contribut'd to element success during '10 HQ PACAF UCI; 69/70 of items compliant

- Trailblazer; led SAPMs & WIT mbrs; directly contributed to 260% increase in insp, drastically improved compliance

- Unrivaled safety knowledge! Conducted 6 SAVs, prepared subordinate wings to excel in their UCI inspections

- Wg functional prgm mngr; led 56 mbrs/116 assmnts--ID d 22 findings/undetect'd non-compliance f/2 grp CCs
- Wing Inspection Team mbr; provided essential support to May '16 exercise--ID'd critical processes needing attention
- WIT mbr; conducted 3 wg exs, 4 injects, 1 ORE, 10 planning mtgs/ID'd 2 obs--increased gp CBRN rate 40% to 90%
- WIT mbr; trn'd 15 pers on ATSO/inspect'd f/four Wg events--sculpt'd AW wartime readiness/clarifi'd IG sight picture

- WIT SME; org'd 10 exs/moulag'd 36/ID'd 46 observations/9 discreps/trn'd 205 mbrs--vaulted MDG to #1 AF CMRP rt

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