

See also: AFSC 1Z3X1 Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) EPR Bullets

- 1 SOW Obstacle Crse PM; facilitated tech trng for 100+ stdnts/spec ops/law enforcement--zero safety mishaps

- Acted as radio op; swift actions resulted in return of 5 civilian lives and twenty five medevac missions
- AF Basic Combatives Instructor; eased shortage of qualed instrs--helped avoid student training deficiencies
- Ahead of his peers in seven level upgrade training: 60% of prerequisites complete--role model to counterparts
- Aided in DIV EX Iron Focus 16.2; provided ASOC w/comm/link caps for CAS ops--8 sorties supt'd/3 JTACs trained
- Alert! During VIP live bombing exercise, declared immediate ceasefire, saved 11 personnel in impact area
- Ambassador in Blue; collected 85 bags/1 ton debris during squadron Adopt-a-Highway event--beautified community
- Arranged collection/transportation of $12K of unit turn-in items to base management; essential to unit closure
- Assisted 10+ JTACs w/five training TDYs; aided control of 50+ hrs of CAS--maintained 25 annual currencies
- Assisted Flight's equipment inventory appraised at $2.9 mil-- 20 Airmen equipped for OEF deployment
- Assisted initial JTAC evaluation; targeting data/comms provided, six targets struck--JTAC deployment ready
- Assisted w/Gateway trng; provided data link class for 10 mbrs from 2 ASOCs--C2 sys trng for 3 ASOG achieved
- Assisted w/inventory/installation of communication kits for three MRAP units; vehicles now deployment ready
- Assisted with ASOC sim trng development; increased crew efficiency & trng by 50%--eight Airmen deployment rdy
- Asst'd w/ASOC sim build; develp'd 10 CAS rqst/created TACP script--enabled 11 mbrs CMR upgrade/8 dply't ready
- Augmented AFRL Tactics Division; controlled 60+ hrs/air-to-air missions--aided in instructor upgrades of four pilots
- Authored UVAO in-brief; educated 14 new Sq members on voting rights/fill'd deficiency--unit fully compliant w/AFI
- Awarded JTAC-I upgrade; completed upgrade 8 months ahead of peers--increased sq. TAC-I numbers by 12%
- Awarded NTC 17-3 Top performer; 1/9 coined by BDE/CC out of 5K Sldr/Amn--presented Army Achv Medal

- Block 3 ruck march OPR; org'd trng/med spt/safety measures for five road marches--trained/evaled 52 stdnts

- Certified in CPR/AED care; filled AETC med spt rqmt--covered six water survival/combatives trng sessions
- Combat proven, reliable Airman needed in the Global War on Terror; increase responsibilities--promote
- Command and Control Specialist supporting Joint Terminal Attack Controller, Maysan Province; saved dozens
- Competed in 279 miles of races off-duty; consistently placed in top 25%--efforts raised $4500 for local charity
- Compiled 2,046 hours of instruction; guided 160 stdnts through trng--earned Level II CCAF Instr Certification
- Completed 17.5hrs of upgrade trng while deployed; conducted real time msns for OJT--readied for JTACQC
- Completed bus driver cert crs; facilitated movement for three exercises--increased unit transport capabilities by 15%
- Completed Monument DZ training; one of nine AMN certified to control DZ--increased MSN capabilities of 7 ASOS
- Conducted integration training; taught CAS TTPs/aircraft capabilities--enhanced JFO team proficiency 300%
- Conducted wellness dorm insp; id'd 2 safety/security issues/70+ stdnts safe--AETC cmdr #1 priority satisfied
- Controlled nine live sorties during US/British CAS exercise; trained 12 TACP/British aircrews--GWoT ready
- Controlled over 300 hrs of CAS during route clearing ops; detected 200 anomalies--safeguarded 3,500 troops
- Coord'd Japanese TACP/JTAC fam tng; 12 students/4 pgm leads--dominated COMPACAF's partnership goal
- Coord'd w/TF JTACs; allocated 7 flights/8 hrs CAS--expended 510 20mm rounds/500 lbs ordinance released/3 EKIA
- Coordinated JFO spt for 3 day F-35 trng ex; trained 3 Sldrs/6 pilots on CAS intgr'n--F-35 cold wx/CAS capes val'd
- Coordinated with several agencies to ensure battlefield weapons systems were battle-ready--enhanced readiness
- Created/implemented workstation SOP; ensured CAS requests met established directives--20% error reduction

- Demonstrated thorough knowledge of heritage leading 60+ students on guided AF musuem tour; educated Amn
- Deployed physical training leader; led eight Airmen during conditioning sessions--battlefield focused/prepared
- Developed new curriculum; organized lesson plans/18 slide shows--243 obj hrs/22 obj/s rdy for course move
- Developed team's preparation for and support during Iraqi Elections--proactive foresight prevented tragedy

- Employed over 200 OIF CAS missions; resulted in 45 anti-Iraqi forces detained and 65 weapons caches found
- Enrolled at American Military University; currently holding a 4.0 GPA--furthering education and CCAF degree
- Established Link 16 comms w/712 ASOS; initiated connectivity w/Army via Gateway--validated w/Patriot system
- Ex IRON FOCUS COMSEC custodian; safe transfer of classified equip--enabled Joint Readiness Trng Center cert
- Excellent combat operator; great example to peers; skills warrant more responsibility; ready for promotion
- Exceptional leader; educated/mentored 13 Airmen during flt weapons capes brief--communication/morale on the rise
- Executed CAS duties in 10-nation NATO exer; supported 14hrs of CAS; completed 8 trng items--JTAC crs rdy
- Executed controller duties during NATO ex; integrated air spt msns into German ex--14 sorties safely coord'd
- Expertly controlled Iron Focus live fire MSN; integrated CCA/ARTY/CAS assets--fostered joint service relationship
- Expertly mng d $3M equip acct; inventoried/prep'd gear for unit OEF deployment--100% on five UTC reqmts
- Extensively trained five Joint Forward Observer teams on emergency CAS procedures; joint combat multiplier

- Facilitated DACAS for Ex NIE 16.1; air-to-ground data-link capabilities enabld--138 acft & 8 JTAC teams proficient
- Facilitated post-exodus mass drug urinalysis testing; 98 tech trng stdnts tested--ensured good order/discipline
- Facilitated white cell in BDE FTX; provided 20 hrs sim'd CAS/trained 27 prsnl on CAS intgr'n--BN fires capes sync'd
- Finished Info Systems Technology CCAF; completed 6 hrs towards Health Science BA--impressive 3.3 GPA
- First responder to lost/incapacitated stdnt; led evac/first aid--trng resumed/stdnt removed to emerg med facility

- Graduated Basic Instructor Course; earned respectable 85% average--met AETC requirement for tech trng instr

- Hazmat manager; revamped hazmat procedures/policies--insured 100% compliance for 37TRW/IG inspection
- Helped Afghan education; delivered school supplies for 80 children--fostered community/military relationship
- Highly driven/dedicated NCO--volunteered to attend Hurlburt Field's NCO Professional Enhancement Seminar

- Instructed 12 helo crews on USMC Aviation C2 System and Ramadi's complex airspace; increased flight safety
- Instructed A/G intgr'n; trained 42 jt prsnl/3 hours/certified 10 core task evals--strengthened BN fires cell intgr'n capes
- Instructed/evaluated 34 soldiers on JFO techniques; 10 finest selected for JFO crse--enhanced CAS capes for 1-1 BCT
- Integrated multiple ISR platforms during high threat times; upgraded sensor coverage of AO--decreased attacks

- JARN instructor; 7 task evals/14 sims exec'd/8 mbrs CMR trng completed--incrsd ASOC readiness manning to 93%
- Joint trainer; instructed eight int'l soldiers/airmen on theater air spt ops--increased combined ops effectiveness
- Joint trainer; instructed seven soldiers/airmen on close air support operations--increased ops effectiveness
- JROTC guest instr; taught map/compass skills during annual field trng--59 cadets trained/coined by JROTC CC
- Judicious use of illumination rockets exposed enemy forces emplacing caches--saved untold allied lives

- Lead JTAC for Moody TDY; first JTACs to control A-29 weapons system--increased overall knowledge of AC capes
- Led PACAF JTAC S/E tm; established policy for 258 Amn, 7 sqdns--synch'd CAF efforts, PACOM success assured
- Led stdnt vols at local orphanage; 120 hrs labor in sprinkler sys install/grounds restoration--saved org $5000+

- Maintained, tracked all unit equipment, 23 sensitive items at Combined Operating Base Adder--zero losses
- Managed $1.7M in equip for 8 TAC kits ISO 3 NATO exercises--27 TACP members mainted critical training
- Managed 12 man race team; efforts raised $25K for Marine "Semper Fi fund"--team finished top 10% of teams
- Managed squadron deactivation, shipped $22 million in assets--saved $750k in shipping, 100% accountability
- Managed weapon replacement program, $210K M4/M240 replaced; insured 400 stdnts realistic wpns training
- MC'd two tech trng grad; coord venue & audio/visual--military tradition upheld for 27 stdnts/70+ family mbrs
- Mng'd $2.4M flt tac vehs; led 240 inspections/ID'd discrepancies on 5 vehs--msn capable rate increased from 33-96%
- Mng'd 18 man vol effort at Air Force Enl Village; provided 54 man hrs grounds mx--saved $11K in labor costs
- Modified Close Air Support tracker to allow autonomous tracking of brigade missions; multiplied effectiveness

- OIF CAS coverage for US/Coalition forces; executed six month Brigade/Battalion tour--5,000 troops protected
- Outstanding JTAC; consistently exceeds standards, role model/sets example for others to follow--promote

- Passed info to Joint Terminal Attack Controller--captured 3 improvised explosive devices and 7 detainees
- Performed eight hours of community service; chaperoned school dance/assisted girl scouts--positive AF image
- Performed flt equipment inventory for 119 items; maintained 91% accountability--$1M sensitive eqmt safeguarded
- Prepared 4 Amn for CMR check ride; instructed 50hrs/certified 72 1C4X1 CFETP core tasks--100% pass rate achv'd
- Primary CAS planner for Operation IX; controlled 28 hrs of overwatch--120 houses/caches cleared
- Primary controller for HT move and shoot; fully integrated FAC-A w/ Army maneuver units--exceeded WIC goals
- Primary instructor for 16 Airmen on land navigation course during detachment training exercise; 100% trained
- Primary JTAC for two air assault msn's; controlled 12 hrs of CAS/provided target intel--destroyed two cache's
- Procedural controller in Ex BOLD QUEST; 108 hrs/42 sorties--ensured 100% safe deconfliction of coalition aircraft
- Processed 1 TIC/14 PRIs; 65 flts retasked/561 CAS hrs ISO OFS/ORS priority msns--secured CFACC's top priorities
- Processed BAMS orders for 52 stdnts; $200K gear ordered--expedited individual deployment/trng eqpmt issue
- Proctored 49 PT assessments; ensured sq's expeditionary readiness as unit PTL--98% pass rate/coined by 9 AF CCC
- Provided 11 hrs SIA to four Amn; increased study skills--ensured 100% comprehension/no block test failures
- Provided 68 hours of CAS during BDE operation; dropped three bombs--four caches/two vehicles destroyed
- Provided essential theater-wide communications for four peninsula-wide exercises--honed USFK joint abilities
- Pub'd CAS tracker; revised/corrected 600 msn rqst/ID'd 200 errors ISO ORS--accurate intel sitrep to 504 ASOG/CC

- Qualified in 2 blocks of instruction; taught 824 hrs academics/mastered SME test--relieved instructor shortage

- Reevaluated utility of equipment at FOB Kalsu; reduced amount of assets maintained, increased unit mobility

- Spt'd Fallen Angel; provided 10 flts of CAS w/27 hrs of AO threat updates--enabled return of $35M AH-64/2 pilots
- Spt'd memorial run; recruited five man team to remember fallen soldiers--solidified base relationship w/Army
- Streamlined TACP 9-mo deployment; mng'd $3.2 of cmbt equip--2 sqdns, 32 JTACs to RoK--readied for war
- Submitted over 350 coalition CAS requests for 15 named operations/1095 mission hours; 14 bombs expended
- Supported 23 close air support sorties and 10 live missions--maintained persistent USFK air presense
- Supported counter smuggling operation; alert assessment id'd and recouped $55K in stolen government supplies
- Supported Sq trng at Ex HUSTLER THUNDER; established fwd deployed ASOC--12 Airmen gained CMR status

- Taught Marine Air/Ground Liaison team operation of CAS video link; enhanced joint combat information flow
- Tm instr for 5 FTXs; trained/eval'ed 20 stdnts on foot/vehicle nav, patrol base ops, pyro--2140 stdnt trng hours
- Trained 16 Special Warfare JTACs on CAS Request TTPs--reinforced ROK defense and deep strike capabilities
- Trained CAS ops to Joint Fires Observers; improved combat effectiveness--guaranteed joint team fires synergy
- Trained four instructors; certified on 108 course objectives--personnel requirement met to stand up new school
- Trained Ft Hood/Ft Riley JARNOs; facilitated 10 hours of FMT sim--advanced ASOC personnel readiness AF wide
- Trained sister flights on TACP-CASS; instr'd TACPs on setup/software/intergration--14 CT/CMR/eval upgrds supt'd
- Trouble shot remote video downlink receiver; enhanced TOC capabilities--increased coverage to 150K km/sq

- Utilized radio knowledge to demonstrate secure operations for 9 personnel during unit pre-deployment training

- Volunteered to refurbished deployed gym; expanded area by 200%--increased moral/fitness for 1k+ personnel

- Wpns trng RSO; mentored 52 stdnts on proper firearms handling--zero safety mishaps/nine stdnts expert qualed

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