
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE)


- Oversees XX AMW SERE Trng Pgm; develops curriculum/explosive ops/eqpmt acquisition/field trng site coordinator
- Manages SERE Resources; GPC card hldr, accounts f/$350K of eqpmt, Vehicle NCO f/2 GOVs/3 Watercraft/3 quads
- Directs XX AMW ISOPREP pgm & proffers Combatant Cmnd Personnel Recovery preparation f/Mobility Air Forces
- Leads Combined Personnel Recovery Ctr-Afghanistan SERE Ops; manages/advises cmd PR requirements f/Coalition

- Supervises/instructs training for 3,600 students annually in Full Spectrum of Captivity (FSC) resistance strategy
- Performs Level-B & C Code of Conduct training for High-Risk of Isolation (HRI) joint & combined personnel
- Conducts academic lessons, guided discussions/debriefs, evasion operations and FSC role-play laboratories
- Instructs Isolated Personnel TTP/Combat Search and Rescue Special Instructions to HRI DoD warfighters


- Advis'd academia-DoD Hacking 4 Defense; mentor'd 2 innovation tms solving Gov problems--AFRL awd'd contract
- AF rep to int'l PR working gp; coord'd w/8 fed agencies/6 coalition mbrs/3 NGOs--Afghanistan PR TTP efforts synch'd
- AMC MAF Council SERE SME; id'd adverse manpower trends across 15 OG's--unified tm's call f/action to HQ staff
- Authored AOR SERE cadre trng; revamped & standardized 97 tasks, 20% time reduction--certified 12 SERE msn-rdy
- Authored GP SERE OI; ID'd lack of guidance/led 9 month review/consolidated 8 AFI/OI's--benchmarked OI f/ ACC

- Bridged DoD-DoS-FBI SERE integration; ID'd crit fail pts in 5 hostage working grps--sync'd total Gov rescue efforts
- Brokered jt support agreement; developed open water survival crs w/USCG--expanded total force integration w/DHS

- Co-authored SERE AFI re-write; reviewed 78 5/7-lvl upgrade/msn rqmts--redefined SERE's AF wide msn-set
- Completed 12 cr hrs twds Terrorism Studies B.S. degree; increased insight/trn'd 433 HRI prsnl--maintained 4.0 GPA
- Completed dive supvr re-cert; led 15-mbr op/41 trng objs/30 dives--increased sq subsurface recovery currency 73%
- Completed GPC card trng; spearhead'd $70K spend plan/reconciled 64 purchases--executed 12 mo budget 6 mo early
- Completed nat'l lvl life-saving crse; cert'd on CPR/40 hrs, sea recovery--educated 724 aircrew/2 MAJCOMs on skills
- Conducted SERE trng; instructed 26 line-items/140 hrs/12 pararescuemen--compl'd 15% of 5-lvl upgrade objectives
- Controlled $105K budget; ID'd 77 tng quotas/crse rqmts/modernized 11 SERE pgms--slashed 240 man-hrs annually
- Coord PR SOPs f/3 COCOMs; established SERE tactics/infrastructure/force posture--enabl'd rapid PR response TTP
- Coord'd USCENTCOM OPORD; advised PR Ops re-write tm--ID'd C2/execution authorities f/organic AF PR forces
- Created tracking sys f/$126k GPC acct spt'ing 886 jt prsnl; shared best prac to USCG school--coin'd by Commandant

- Deploy'd w/571st Mobility Spt Advisory Sq; trnd El Salvadorian helo unit H20 surv--fortified key ally f/war on drugs
- Developed 1st field test for Somwear Labs PR hotspot; improved DoD PR pgm--solved AFRL isolated prsnl problems
- Direct'd 24 PR EX's; 3 SPEC OPS TF's/intergovernmental/multinational orgs test'd--amplified SOF combat readiness
- Directed ACC combatives prgm validation; led 7 member review board/70 days/120 hrs trng--certified MAJCOM SOI
- DoD rep f/PISA; advised 8 AUS diplomats/4 OGAs on reintegration TTPs--prepared recovery team f/hostage release
- Drove SERE Augmentee initiative; 3 add'l instrs, incr'd 6 studs per crs--extolled by MAJCOM as benchmark std prac

- Earned NCOA DG/Commandant awd; 1 of 143 in ldrship/mentorship/61 blocks/213 hrs--top 1% of class/rdy f/SNCO!
- Eval'd Nevada ANG cmbt survival crs; re-certified 6 augment instructors--empowered self sustaining pgm f/60 flyer's
- Eval'd Proof of Concept f/new TRS crs; ID'd 10 shortfalls/dlvrd vital SME feedback--fus'd 3 crs's/reduc'd tng by 6 hrs
- Executed AFCENT rescue beacon program; led 4-mbr team/updated 647 devices--validated $1.2M system/saved 287K
- Exposed FFT degradation program; $60K real-time pers tracking sys--100% testing/accountability for COCOM CCs

- Furthered theater allies capes; instr'd 18 pers/20 hrs, hoist ops--postured 43 Europe/US special forces f/crisis response

- Governed 3 wg tng events; mng'd 3 fld exs/6 crses/30 spt pers/trn'd 45 operators--ensured 7 MDS's ready f/cmbt ops

- Head'd Post Isolation Spt Service f/US-AUS hostages; organiz'd DoD/DoS/FBI/AUS tm--enhanc'd returnee care plan

- Invigorated SERE crs augmentee pgm; gen'd trng plan/sharepoint vol sys/PA campaign--recruit'd 67 Amn f/28 events

- Launched CPRC-A C2 cape; acquired $160K/secured over-the-horizon comms--increased tac SA f/theater lead PR node
- Leads 12 SERE specialists; organizes 24/7 USCC PR watch f/5 sys, 3 ops--crd'd PR support for 44K cmbt missions
- Led disaster prep expo; trained 70 govt & church ldrs/built response/evac plan--aided four cities/six churches
- Led int'l CSEL radio EX; integrat'd 3 TFs/2 Train Advise Assist Cmd's/Jt Prsnl Rcvry Ctr--val'd AOR rescue network
- Led Jt rescue working gp; advis'd 3 German pararescue tms w/AOR SERE TTPs--integrat'd 30 rescuers w/ntl PR strat
- Led new FOB establishment; organized 12 sorties/21 STs/16 personnel--PR capes IOC 12 hrs/FOC 6 days from BOG
- Led sq MICT prg; audited 270 WEPTAC/SERE items/ID'd & fixed 3 critical/12 minor findings--validated AF CCIP
- Led theater site visit; liaised w/country ldrship/educated 15 lcl forces--lifted European allies pers recovery capes 87%
- Led Weapon School SERE spt; trained 22 JTACs in PR procedures--impacted 12 int'l partner nations/3K pers/68 acft
- Led Wg SERE refresh pgm; instructed 720 trng hrs/dvlp'd AMCs 1st AK47 fam crs--ensured 2K flyers cmbt msn rdy

- Maintain'd priority 1 reintegration capability; prep'd ldrshp/reintegration tm--ensur'd proper handling f/recover'd prsnl
- Manag'd Afghan AOR beacons; monitor'd 3k aircraft/prsnl locator devices--ensured 100% coverage f/coalition forces
- Managed $47K munitions pgm; controlled 360 explosives/3.6K ammo--cert'd 198 pers/prep'd f/nat'l SOCEUR taskings
- Managed base SERE documentation prgm; led insp of 1.5K records--assured deployment of 1.1K aviators/2 GCCs
- Mentored 5 regional PR Officers; executed 5 site visits w/Train Advise Assist Cmd's--alligned PR plans w/HHQ req's
- Mentored AFSPEC Warfare recruiter; provided 4 hrs of insight w/90 eligibles; enabled 4 Amn to become Warfighters

- Org'd sq's Isolated Prsnl Report Prgm review; inspected 120 msn reports--met full AFI compliance/zero errors
- Organized 8 PRSVs at 15 sites; ID'd 21 gaps/established 30 new processes--enabled CFACC s #1 priority/AOR wide
- Oversaw $625K eqmnt acct; tracked/managed 252 assets w/zero discrepancies--facilitated 1.2K pers/4 sqs readiness

- Piloted OIR reintegration site cert; established one of three AOR options--incr'd COCOM debriefing capabilities 50%
- Pioneered R&D test; org'd 40-hr analysis/3 prototype litters--facilitated next-gen rescue equip/AFMC contract awd'd
- Proffer'd 10 Combined Jt Ops Ctr EXs; led planning/coalition Prsnl Rcvry action tm--HQ staff proficient w/C2 duties

- Revamped 5 units pers recovery tng; 10 crses/80 hrs w/25% manning deficit--reduced 2 MAJCOMs TDY cost $700K
- Revived SERE training drone program; facilitated 2.5 hrs training, certified 2 new pilots--ensured 100% accountability

- Safeguarded $350K eqpmt account; id'd/filled 24 SERE UTC item gaps--ensured 6 UTCs rdy f/rapid global mobility
- Select'd by CENTCOM/AMC for AF Cyberworx CSEL redesign; facilitated quick fix design--lawded by AF Director
- SERE lead f/$10M CENTCOM exer; sync'd 255 acft/293 sorties w/3 ground units--built footing f/trng 2.4K DoD mbr
- SME for CSAF directed implementation of ECAC course; co-developed curriculum/syllabus/training methods
- SOCAF PR Lead; 24/7 CASEVAC ops f/4 FADs/2 ESTS/SOF psnl-provid'd coverage f/581 operators/civ/28 nations
- Spearheaded community rel's w/local Sheriff; coord'd survival tng f/Mobile Fld Force--80 officers rdy f/nat disasters
- Streamlined wg's SERE prgm; re-organized 263 trng events/upgrade rqmts across six crs'--max'd limited assets
- Supervised six instrs; taught 125 prsnl through 25 high-risk SERE crs'/300 trng hrs--fulfilled wg cbt msn rqmt's

- Trained 25 instructors on resistance to enemy exploitation methods; all certified on RTL operations/standards
- Updated Combatant Cmd SPINS; sync'd global report/locate capabilities--supported 13 rescue msns/recovered 8 prsnl
- Wg PR pgm mgr; ID'd 3 discrep/led eqpt kit update/briefed 16 deployers ISO 3 CCMDs--spt'd OIR CCDR directives

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