- Directly supervises 21 Airmen; oversees training, leads shift and performs all aspects of passenger service operations
- Responsible for operator-level maintenance of 20 vehicles and Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) valued at $2M
- Manages workload information/schedules/routes/air movement authorization, baggage limitations, and local facilities
- Reviews travel documents for validity/accuracy/eligibility using the Foreign Clearance Guide/AMC guidance/DTRs
- Receives/inspects/processes cargo into AMC channel airlift system for mvmt to overseas/stateside locations
- Assists w/work flow; completes quality control inspections of cgo documentation/packaging/loading/handling
- Operates Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES), remote access terminals/hand-held devices
- Inspects/operates 4K, 6K, 10K, 15K forklifts/elevating transfer vehicles; operates plt scales/warehouse eqpmt
- Performs passenger processing operations f/unit deployments, mobility exercises & qual'd Space Available travelers
- Inspects/validates cargo airlift eligibility/safey of flight IAW DTR/DoD standards/directives ISO Kirtland AFB rqmts
- Maintains ATO vehicle fleet as VCO & manages Kirtland AFB Pallet & Net program in Global Asset Reporting Tool
- Trains/executes passenger & cargo aircraft loading processes in support of Kirtland AFB/global mobility objectives
- Operates automated equipment, special purpose government vehicles and material handling equipment (MHE)
- Ensures documentation is properly recorded using the Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES)
- Verifies cargo selected for movement through the AMC airlift system is airworthy and properly palletized
- Inspects pallets and nets for damage or wear that would make them unsuitable for use aboard military aircraft
- Schedules, assembles, and transports aircraft cargo between arriving and departing aircraft and storage areas
- Receives and inventories cargo, mail, and baggage and coordinates most effective and expeditious movement
- Inspects cargo and manifests, annotates overages, shortages, or damaged cargo; ensures 100% accountability
- Ensures all cargo documentation, packaging, labeling, and marking are accurate and meet AFTO requirements
- Assistant shift Supervisor of ATOC; Coordinates, tracks, & disseminates flight info f/332 AEW/Aerial Port sections
- Monitors & updates Global Air Transportation Execution System to provide war-fighter real-time in-transit visibility
- Responsible for FAA and TSA clearance/screening of all passenger movements; utilizes E-Secure validation program
- "Theater Express" pgm mgr; contracted mvmt of 1.5K cargo tons--cut port hold time 45%...saved AMC $11M
- #1/53 Amn! Trust'd as shift lead f/2 wks; steered 14 prsnl tm/mvd 78K pax/4K msns--fuel'd NSS Pacific pivot
- Accelerated 339 C-130 props/tires between European repair facilities/SWA; sustained CENTCOM airlift ops
- Accelerated 45,278 lbs of blood; sped to battlefield hospitals <12 hrs--war injured lifeline...98% survival rate
- Accelerated transload for 39 MICAPs; rushed to deployed mx teams/downtime minimized--32 AMC acft FMC
- Accomplished refresher training on 25 CFETP tasks; surpassing trng requirements by 237%, solidified tech expertise
- Accounted for 21K pax orders & sent for billing; units charged for trans--$8.3M in TWCF captured in FY2010
- Accurately checked-in 96K pax; collected meal/head tax/customs fees--generated $212K in revenue for TWCF
- Aced Aerial Port Ops crs; graduated w/96% avg--obtained 4 credits towards CCAF...set example for 17 peers
- Aced HQ AFRC/A4 LCAP inspection; contributed to Sq's "Outstanding" rating; 97.2% pass rate--best in Wing
- Acquired AAFES/DeCA ration arlft clearance; advanced 702 food plts worth $3.3M--sustained 120K+ troops
- Addressed conflicting AMC guidance w/HQ; prompted interim message release--saved sq avg 104 hrs per yr
- Administered mvmt for 233 Hellfire missiles; insp/loaded in <24 hrs--provided immediate spt to cmbt forces
- Adroit deployed leader; guided 15 Amn daily/moved 146K pax--garnered 'Hard Charger' Awd/Amn of the Mo
- Advanced Polish ballistic defense sys; 17 acft moved w/out incident--shielded NATO ally from ICBM attacks
- Advanced POTUS GLACIER; mv'd 80 tons MHE/VIP eqpmt--broadened global awareness of Arctic climate change
- Advanced RED HORSE deployment; moved 800 pax and 22 bag plts--rotated prsnl/eqpmt to six FOBs <4 days
- AEF Readiness Tm Lead; trained 78 pers/48 FAMs on SAF UEI methodology--concept 1 yr ahead of schedule
- AFCENT PAX agency tm lead; mng'd ULN/ITAR requirements f/120K PAX--ensur'd timely BOG forces f/3 CCMD
- AFSPC/IG insp expert; validated A4 functions--secured critical space & cyber capabilities for nine CCMDs
- Aggressively engaged w/pax service mgt; recovered 100 missing tvl orders--enforced std/averted loss of $40K
- Aided Aerial Port Expeditor pgm; loaded 24 cargo tons without aircrew support--enhanced velocity initiative
- Aided airfield operations; transport'd 439th AES equipment on 2 overseas alft training missions--secured $600k assets
- Aided Ex Vibrant Response '14 trans spt; 98 tons cargo/143 pax--solidified CBRN homeland defense training
- Aided jet shop; readied test set f/oil leak; generator changed in 4 hr/6 hr avg--saved DPAA msn/MIA's returned to US
- Aided plt/net mvmt; processed/built 30 tons/$272K critical assets--re-equipp'd PACAF w/necessary logistic materials
- Aided transfer of Presidential support equip between tailswapped acft; cargo arrived in Latvia without delay
- Air Trans expert! Impeccable bearing/knowledge shined during 721st AMOG LSAV--aced nine of nine evals
- Air Trans expert! Leadership/technical skills second-to-none--garnered unit NCO of the Quarter, 2Q14 honors
- Amazed AMC LSEP/IG inspectors; 90% compliant on 47 eval's--key to sq garnering "Excellent" overall rating
- Ambassador; directed 14K tons Denton cargo shipment ISO Iraqi children--improved future for less-fortunate
- Among first AFRC units to undergo new UEI inspection; lauded for innovative training program--Effective
- Anchored AMC's busiest WC hub; svc'd/sanitized 7K acft/dlvr'd 6.5K pax/crew meals--key'd 60 AMWs AFOUA '18
- Arranged 100 non-temp storage releases; coord' w /JPPSO/processed docs--mbr's shipments arrived on time
- Articulate professional; selected for interview w/AFN--highlighted flts direct role in supporting the warfighter
- Articulate; provided 521 AMOW/CCM with flight mission brief & facility tour--coined for professionalism
- Assist d Army Convoy Joint Trng Ex; led 6 pax agents & guided mvmt of 1K pax/baggage on--critical to TF success
- Assisted 42d APS daily ops; prep'd/transported 13 pax/37 cargo tons on 27 msns--upheld sq's 100% on-time takeoff rt
- Assisted 633rd EOD TDY; prep'd 43 pax/30 cargo tons in <6 hours--countless allied ground force lives saved
- Assisted Ft Carson troop movements; routed 4K soldiers/1.9K cargo tons/45 msns--launched combat warriors
- Assisted mvmt of JMC/FMS cgo; built/processed 23 plts/87.5 tons/$9M of AA&E--strengthened ANA ground forces
- Assisted reconstitution efforts; inspected/inventoried >$676K in assets--maintained Wg's 12-hr alert capability
- Assisted Royal Netherlands AF/10 SFG ex; moved 29 tons cargo--fortified jt nation close qtr combat training
- Assisted w/AOB RIP/TOA; sequenced 129 cgo tons/50 pax on 2x C-17s--enabled rapid SOTF employment to CCDR
- Assisted w/Phase II up/download of 750 tons of cargo/mail on 32 AMC acft ; sec met demanding ops tempo
- Attended 60K loader crs; qualified on veh w/99% EOC/earned "Top Tunner Award"--streamlined ATGL loading ops
- Attended mobile Load Planners Course; increased knowledge better serves Air Terminal Operations Center
- Attention to detail; ensured QA/inspected 39 load planning pkgs for accuracy--led to '10 Air Term ops Flt OTY
- Augmented Plt & Net hub expansion; inspected 8.3K net sets/raised asset lvls to 25K--poised to spt 3 CCMDs
- Authored ATOC continuity binder; readied for HQ AMC LSAV insp--sect evaluated on 46 tasks/96% pass rate
- Authored quick reference guide...provided controllers step-by-step flt pkg tng aid--decreased doc errors 27%
- Awd'd IG SNCO 4th qtr 13 honors; Sub-UEI MGA lead; insp'd 2K SAC items across 4 cmds--100% compliant
- Backbone of port ops; coordinated 45 tons OEF/OIF high priority cargo--AFCENT msn requirements fulfilled
- Bolstered 52 FW maritime/global strike tng msns; lifted 60 tons of cgo on 4 C-130--strenghtened BT 18 capes ISO PfP
- Boosted sq safety prgm; created spreadsheet tracking bldg insps--zero major findings during annual safety look
- Briefed AMC/A4/sq CC; highlighted $47M pax terminal--showcased pax operation during SAV inspection tour
- Briefed CENTAF Cmdr on Aerial Port operations in AOR; received praise--increased DVs knowledge of msn
- Briefed Halverson CEO/production team; recommended upgrades for loaders--helped improve future NGSLs
- Briefed weekly in-processing group on space available travel benefits--positive military spokesman
- Brilliant orator; presided over '11 2T2 Log Readiness Workshop/eight SNCOs--ID'd/resolved trans ops issues
- Brilliant speaker! Hand selected to brief Gen McNabb on deployed pax ops--coined by TRANSCOM/CCM
- Brilliant training monitor; four airman/NCOs in upgrade training--100% pass rate/amazing 92% average score
- Building custodian for $5M passenger terminal--presented excellent first impression of AMC travelers
- Cadre instructor; taught 24 wing individuals on SABC/weapons techniques--combat readiness increased 20%
- Cataloged 28K cgo tons/13K msns/6K acft svc'd--data reported to AMC/cmd earned $100K cgo/pax revenue
- Ceaseless devotion to duty; preformed FOD duties on AMC/CC veh--showcased units finest & expedited visit
- Certified 14 inspectors; completed 19 inspections--key to USSTRATCOM's strategic attack deterrence mission
- Certified as sq EET mbr; evaluated compliance/ID'd six improvement areas--readied unit for HQ AMC insp
- Chaired 521 AMOW Amn of the quarter board; scrutinized six units submissions--selected best representative
- Choreographed mvmt of 17 propellers/12 engines--kept acft flying/ensured Afghan FOBs gnd forces resupplied
- Choreographed safe shipment of 17 props/12 engines to CENTCOM AOR--enhanced intra-theater airlift ops
- Cleared 16 Foreign Mil Sales shipments/sch'd airlift; $10M assets delivered <24 hrs--fortified int'l partnership
- Coached sect in sequencing of 409 MICAP parts; sped assets to mx recovery teams--minimized acft downtime
- Collaborated w/Jt Mob Processing Ctr; certified 20 load plans--2K tons special ops cargo expedited to AOR
- Collaborated w/Mob Processing Ctr; validated 5 load plans--64 tons special ops cargo expedited to warfighter
- Collected seat release data on 566 msns; optimized acft utilization/pax mvd--spt'd AMC/CC high interest item
- Combined forces w/302 AW's Maple Flag '14 ex; loaded 35 cargo tons/130 pax--vital AFRC tng event success
- Committed NCO; selected ahead of 70 peers/won "Warrior of the Month" awd--lauded/coined by 8 EAMS/CC
- Committed; trained 14 reserve members on GATES/pax processing/loading--seamless Total Force Integration
- Comp'd 17 trans revenue vouchers; tm'd w/DFAS...cleared 2 wk backlog <3 days--recovered $408K for AMC
- Comp'd Cultural Communications crs; earned 3 hrs twds Trans Mgmt deg--inspired 7 Amn to pursue education
- Compassion for others; loaded 8K lbs of donated toys destine to Warsaw, Poland--smiles brought to orphans
- Competed in sq ATSO competition; developed warfighting expertise thru eight rigorous events--mission ready
- Completed 21 Qual Tng Pkgs/three mos; Id'd/corrected tng gaps--Sq dual LCAP/MCCI '11 "Excellent" ratings
- Completed all core task/CDC training for upgrade; assisted team members with study and passing course exams
- Completed Nuclear Weapons Fundamentals crs; applied skills to four missions--safeguarded DoD's #1 priority
- Composed under pressure! Orchestrated 12 msns <4 hrs--flawlessly processed 1,228 pax & 214K in baggage
- Conduct'd 534 Space-A calls/sel'd 9K pax; svd mil mbrs $8M in tvl cost--key'd 99% customer satisfaction rtg
- Conducted Denton humanitarian ops; moved 12 tons/10 pallets donated goods--supplied Tanzanian orphanage
- Conducted numerous interior/exterior sweeps of Pax terminal during latest CERE--enhanced terminal security
- Conducted Space-A briefing for EUCOM/CC Spouses Group--educated 24 mbrs on AMC travel opportunities
- Coor'd w/ AD SNCO; directed Mssn Generator Annual Award setup for 1.2K MX Group--enabled 25 award winners
- Coord 30 tons of firefighting equip to Russia; hastened fire control effort--solidified 721 AMOG Flt OTY awd
- Coord pax ops tng of multi-nat'l force; crit spt for standup of HAW in Hungary--boosted 16 nations' strat airlift
- Coord rapid mvmt of 16 tons blood/plasma; supplies delivered <12 hrs--coalition casualty survival rate >98%
- Coord'd 20th Bomber mvmt; executed hi-vis msn f/13 mbr team--bolstered AOR's striking capes/secured $504M assets
- Coord'd 30 msns; deployed 563 cargo tons ISO USAFRICOM--enabled JTF combat ops with HoA extremists
- Coord'd Canadian ID log spt; drove trans of 500 pax/25 tons eqpt--furthered new battlefield tactics/infantry patrol tng
- Coord'd gnd handling; expedited 462 munition mishaps--sq earned '10 AF Explosives Sfty plaque
- Coord'd mvmt f/82d Airborne IRF; pushed 649 pax w/24 hr notice--bolstered security/aided>100 SPMAGTF fighters
- Coord'd mvmt f/Royal Air Force; planned mvmt 10 stons cgo on 3 msns--enhanced Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
- Coord'd pax processing; led validation of 240K travel docs/72K pax--sq won '11 521 AMOW Lg Term OTY
- Coord'd section trng f/12 personnel; instructed 4 MHE ops on proper veh ops--increased SH deployed capes by 33%
- Coord'd US Army Special Forces rapid deployment; 27 pax/2 tons equip--enabled combat ops w/extremist gps
- Coord'ed HUREVAC msn prep; built 2 eqpt kits <4 hrs/12 hr avg--safeguarded 4 C-17s/poised for msn continuation
- Coordinat'd Space-A emergency upgrades; rushed mbrs to CONUS <24 hrs notice--svd families $7K in airfare
- Coordinated cargo training for base; instructed pallet build-up course--heightened base readiness capability
- Coordinated cargo trn'g; worked with cargo team lead to acquire pallet build-up trn'g--vital total force trn'g success
- Coordinated ground operations for Copper Shield mission supporting Gen. Flintstone--textbook operation
- Coordinated mvmt of comfort pallet/seat kits on Hungarian C-17--timely/professional spt for coalition partner
- Coordinated w/Army's Arrival/Departure Alft Ctrl Gp; processed 6K pax/70 msns--expedited warfighters fwd
- Correct'd 25 erroneous pax manifest; retriev'd missing travel orders--recouped $20K TWCF revenue for AMC
- Created 22 acft utilization reports; dispersed vital on-hand workload info--aided TACC airflow/route planning
- Created daily Op ODYSSEY DAWN reports; data pushed to Wg ldrshp--enabled real-time execution planning
- Critical spt to AMC/USAFE msn; uploaded expendables/1K meals/150 msns--upheld sq's 97% on-time takeoff rate
- Crush'd Intro to Supply Chain Mgmt Crs; attended 8 hr leadership PDS--up'd supevisory skills...rdy f/NCO pos
- Crushed largest pax term wkld in sq's history; transported 185K pax--sect named 2011 AMC Pax Svc Flt OTY
- Customer service oriented; assisted 250 in/outbound personnel--contibuted to 99% customer satisfaction rating
- Cut above the rest--has AF vision in sight w/ relentless drive and desire; full of energy and vitality; promote!
- Dazzled covert HQ AMC customer service eval team; unfazed by unannounced insp--lauded "outstanding svc"
- Deftly assisted C-5/C-17/C-141 Phase II uploads w/250 tons of cargo; optimized Air Freight ops flexibility
- Demonstrated C-17 loading ops during Romanian/Hungarian Delegation visit--solidified trng w/allied forces
- Dependable airman; deposited over $20K of passenger terminal's funds--100% funds accountability!
- Deployed in support of Hurricane Ike relief efforts; safely moved, delivered 200 pax/250 tons of cargo
- Deployed on classified mission to Senegal; moved 50 cargo tons--lauded by team chief: "outstanding performer"
- Deployed to Al Udeid! Backbone in processing 121K pax/14K tons of baggage/4K msns--garnered AFOUA
- Deployed to Al Udeid! Led four Aerial Port pers/processed 3,652 cargo tons/88.2K pax on 1,230 missions
- Deployed to Al Udeid! Manifested 2K cargo tons to 32 remote sites--supplied vital equip & supplies to OND
- Deployed to Al Udeid; created msn board/consolidated info--coined by 18 AF/CC & named July JrNCO OTM
- Deployed to Manas! Keystone player in Aerial Port processing 3,652 cargo tons/88.2K pax on 1,230 missions
- Deployed to Osan AB, Korea during Clark runway closure--aided operations by creating a smooth transition
- Deployed to RAF Mildenhall during runway closure; ensured continuous flow of 612 tons OEF/OIF spt cargo
- Designed/implemented MICAP track system; enabled tracking of 1K critical parts--coined by 521 AMOW/CV
- Detail oriented; streamlined 12 continuity books/zero findings on AMC LCAP insp--key to "Outstanding" rating
- Detailed QA evaluator; conducted 93 inspections--garnered 95% evaluation pass rate, smashed AF goal by 5%
- Detailed the DV vehicle for the AMC Commander--continues to set the highest standards possible
- Developed load plans for HQ USAFE contingency OI; coordinated w/ HQ AMC/PACAF--standardized all CRWs
- Devoted 12 hrs to Base Haunted House event; design'd costumes/make-up f/46 mbrs--captivat'd 50K attendees
- Devoted 2T2; aided upload of 106 msns/262 cargo tons ISO OEF/OIF--supplies sustained theater warfighters
- Devoted 5 hrs ISO KADD; provided safe ride home for 13 AF mbrs--saved countless lives & protected AF's #1 asset
- Diligent controller; coordinated 45 msns/356 pax to Pakistan ISO JTF DENALI--dire aid to 19M flood victims
- Diligent planner; rushed 445 munitions tons ISO OP ODYSSEY DAWN--enabled NATO-led Libya no-fly zone
- Diligent plnr; sequenced 469 plts/665 incidents--sq captured 2011 521 AMOW Lg Term OTY awd
- Diligent; updated database daily/facilitates crucial monthly 7107 report--justified sq manpower needs to HQ
- Diligently researched/reconciled 56 pax discrepancy/missing manifest reports--units billed for trans properly
- Dir'd 460 SW UEI; steered 321 evals across five log functions--certified global C4ISR homeland defense msns
- Dir'd remote processing; orch'd pax mvmt rqmts w/ 5 agencies/2 CMDs on 25 rotators--reunited 2.2K prsnl w/ families
- Directed 25 mil/civ pers ISO NATO airlift acft; provided vital training to foreign aircrews--bolstered alliance
- Directed Ft Carson troop movements; proc'd 4K+ soldiers/1.3K cargo tons/45 missions--ensured seamless ops
- Directed load teams ISO Op NOMAD FIRE; handled 5 chalks/112 cargo tons--met strict AMC arlft objectives
- Directed pax terminal security pgms; controlled $5M facility/systems/vehicles op--fully compliant w/DoD stds
- Directed terminal passenger processing; ensured travel eligibility for 4.5K pax--vital to zero int'l border incursions
- Directed validation of Individual Bill Account--3.5K travelers/1.8M in remittance--zero delays/overpayments
- Discovered broken process/35 missing docs; drove 3 section meeting/resolved issues--reduced errors 85%
- Distributed arlft updates to six flts/548 mil & civ pers; departed 15K msns--supported 99.3% on-time dep rate
- Diverse ldr! Performed 1st Sgt/Flt Super duty during high tempo ops--ensured welfare/admin of 123 unit mbrs
- Dplyd shift supervisor! Led 9 pers...81K tons mvd--supplied 12 Afghanistan FOBs/33K troop surge complete
- Dplyd to Al Udeid! planned 55K cargo tons to 32 FOBs ISO OND--vital supplies sustained warfighting effort
- Dplyd to Al Udeid; processed 68K pax/5.4K msns...propelled 31% of AMC flts to AOR--99.6% dep rel rate
- Dplyd to Al Udeid; trans knowledge steered gnd ops...90K pax & 7K msns mvd--rdyd spt for entrenched troops
- Dplyd to CAOC! Prep'd 520 urgent cmbt spt requests...56K bundles delivered--awd'd Exp Warrior Tm OTM
- Drove C-17 grnd emer spt; dvlp'd fuel soaked cargo evac f/Wg sfty--shielded 2x HH-60s/7x aircrew/laud'd by Sq/CC
- Drove load plan validation for 2 OREs/44 arlft chalks; spt vital during LRS pers shortage--host wg war ready
- Drove Regional QA program; consolidated manning on four bases--saved AF 24.8K man-hrs/$638K annually
- Drove section trng program/14 UGT Amn; executed >40 AFRC mandated CTEL tasks--bolstered sqd readiness 15%
- Efficiently plnd 88 msns; mvd 381 tons of cgo ISO OEF/OND--helped sq attain 99.3% port dep reliability rate
- Eliminated redundancy in eight sect processes; zero findings on AMC LCAP insp--key to "Outstanding" rating
- Elite Senior controller while deployed to Al Udeid--key to 8 EAMS winning '10 AMC Large Term OTY awd
- Eloquent speaker; provided 18 AF/CCC with section msn brief/tour--increased DV's knowledge of unit's msn
- En route expert! Moved a phenomenal 499K pax aboard 27K msns--garnered amazing 99% dep reliability rate
- Enabled security/safety; facilitated 103 mil working dog mvmts--reduced IED attacks...provided safe passages
- Enforced $82K DHS foreign trash pgm; disposed 5K lbs waste/4K msns--0 fines/mitigated USDA pathogen exposure
- Enforced Homeland Sec rqmts; screened 36K pax/removed 27 illegal items--ensured safety of flt/no incidents
- Enforced term sec rqmts; screened 35K pax/bags; ID'd/confiscated 130 prohibited items--zero TSA violations
- Enforced TSA security standards; oversaw 94 UAE passengers during layover for A/C--zero safety/security incidents
- Engineered movement of "Life/Death" blood to 3 AORs; 271 shipments/1K units--saved DoD $380K trans cost
- Enhanced Aerial Port Expeditor pgm; worked 39 acft/138 tons w/out aircrew spt--saved AF 468 crew duty hrs
- Enhanced AOR abilities; loaded 24K high-vis SOCOM cargo--impacted joint ops against terrorist networks
- Enhanced professional development; enrolled in NCO DL Academy, broadened leadership competency & knowledge
- Ensured air terminal security;inspected departing passenger bags for unauthorized items--mission readiness enhanced
- Ensured joint msn success; expedited 3.5K OEF/OND pax on 75 closewatch msns--COCOM top priorities met
- Ensured max utilization of AMC's 3.2B commc'l alft contract; 30 B747/540 tons--exceeded AMC std by 45%
- Ensured msn success; expedited 45 tons OEF/OIF Green & Purple sheeted cargo--COCOM priorities fulfilled
- Ensured safety 35 crews/acft; plnd 225 hazmat tons--key to unit garnering 2010 USAF Explosive Safety Plaque
- Escorted 57 DVs; maintained itineraries & accorded honors--provided awesome first impression of Ramstein
- Est'd Wg COVID alft std; authored sfty trvl brief/med screening protocols--safeguarded 30 mbr Air Term tm/362 pax
- Established Regional QA training needs; created on-line tracking system--certified 30 evaluators in <1 month
- Evaluated by HQ IG/LSEP inspectors; ran flawless veh pgm/0 findings--recognized as Outstanding Performer
- Exceeded AMC's velocity initiative; safely APEX loaded 290 cargo tons/21 acft--aircrew afforded extra rest
- Exceeded German Customs reporting std; validated 14K cgo pieces--zero entry disputes/customer rcvd <48 hrs
- Excelled under pressure; loaded bags for high visibility msn with Governor of Texas--reduced DV upload time
- Excellent 60K operator; demonstrated loader capabilities for Polish GO tour--bolstered US/NATO alliance
- Exceptional sect trainer; developed two Romanian AF load planners on C-17 acft--bolstered international ties
- Exceptional speaker; briefed AMOW/CC emersion tour--provided awesome first impression/lauded by sq CC
- Exceptional speaker; selected to conduct Space-A brief for USAFE CC spouses--educated 25 on travel benefit
- Exceptional tech; insp'd mvmt docs/certified 140 acft flt pkgs--led to 2010 721 AMOG Air Term Ops Flt OTY
- Executed 65 joint inspections; processed 307K cargo tons and 2.5K pax--achieved 99% on-time departure rate
- Executed AF Space Surveillance Sys closure actions; disposed of 200K+ items--garnered 100% accountability
- Executed ammunition mvmt; orchestrated trans f/20 PPE/76K tons cgo w/over 1K PH hrs--crtc'l to cbt ops ISO OIR
- Executed Denton humanitarian ops; transported 12 tons/10 plts donated goods--supplied Tanzanian orphanage
- Executed four tasks during AMC LCAP insp; zero discrepancies found--key player in unit "Outstanding" rating
- Exhibited ldrshp qualities; directed 5 Amn as LTC/uploaded 20K cgo--propelled 120 FS dplymt/acquired Sq sfty awd
- Expanded Polish ballistic def sys; issued PPRs...27 explosive laden acft mvd--ally shielded from wpns attacks
- Expedit'd mvmnt of 150 MICAPS; arranged delivery to unit <24 hrs--contributed to X flying hrs/X air strikes
- Expedited "Classified" op from Afg; loaded SOF cgo under IDF--reduced gnd time 30 mins/lauded by DIRMOBFOR
- Expedited 111 MICAP shpmts; disburs''d to units < 12 hrs--sustain'd four weapon platforms/92% Wg MC rate
- Expedited 245 MICAP parts; rushed to deployed mx teams--critical OEF/OIF flying msn downtime minimized
- Expedited 53 pieces of AMC MICAP; parts accelerated to destination--acft returned to mission capable status
- Expedited guided missile destroyer components; process'd 2 propellers/$2M--provided USN 7th Fleet w/crucial parts
- Expedited humanitarian cgo; inspected/palletized 8K lbs clothing & blankets--boosted Afghan childrens' QoL
- Expedited JTF DENALI support; rushed 531 relief workers/1K cargo tons--eased suffering for 19M Pakistanis
- Expedited Mexico earthquake HUMRO msn; svc'd acft f/67 mbrs/2K lbs material/eqpmt--supplied care f/31K victims
- Expedited mvmt of 1.3K cargo tons/174 msns; key to sq garnering '10 721 AMOG Air Term Ops Flt OTY awd
- Expedited mvmt of 400 Int'l Security Asst Force troops/10 tons bags--sustained NATO counter-terrorism msns
- Expedited mvmt of 50 AMC MICAP; followed 18 AF TACC guidance--supported MX in AOR with vital parts
- Expedited mvmt of 52 AMC MICAP; rushed supplies to deployed maintainers--<36 acft returned to airlift sys
- Expedited mvmt of 92 MRAPs/45 Stryker vehicles--key to 8 EAMS winning '10 AMC Large Term OTY awd
- Expedited no-notice Russian wildfire aid; coord eight plt upload/delivered $4.5M emerg equip--stifled fires
- Expedited PCS entitlements consultations to 95 members--eclipsed 8 minute lobby wait-time goal by 6 minutes
- Expedited Royal Netherlands AF/10 SFG ops; moved 29 tons--aided joint nation close qtr combat tng success
- Expedited vital MTF cgo; mvd 125 plts/325 tons med eqpmt--provided mil prsnl/hospitals w/critical supplies
- Experienced load team mbr; moved six Stryker assault vehicles/176K cargo lbs--fortified US troop protection
- Expert forecaster; cleared movement of $29M cash shipment into AFCENT--countries' infrastructure rebuilt
- Expert load planner; readied sect for HQ insp/evaluated on 26 tasks/96% pass rate--selected as Flt NCO OTQ
- Expertise proved vital during msn surge; moved 2,519 pax on 36 msns in single day--set new Ramstein record
- Expertly assisted in C-5/C-17 Phase II uploads of over 845 tons of cargo; optimized Air Freight ops flexibility
- Expertly assisted w/Phase II loading of 750 tons of cargo; optimized sec ability to meet demanding opstempo
- Expertly guided mvmt of 152K pax/2.3K msns; upheld 99.3% dep rel rate--sq won '11 AMC Pax Svs Flt OTY
- Expertly Phase II on/off-loaded 158 tons of cargo w/o aircrew assistance; boosted section load team flexibility
- Expertly plnd 546 tons/89 msns; port backlog cleared--cgo mvd <12 hrs--enabled just-in-time delivery to AOR
- Expertly sequenced/manifested 50 MICAP; enabled return of 32 acft to svc--sq won 2011 NDTA AD unit awd
- Explosive cargo mgr; cleared/assigned PPRs 317 msns/zero incidents--sq awarded '10 USAF Gnd Sfty Plaque
- Extraordinary speaker; conducted nine facility tours--showcased pax operation to 48 JROTC/24 CDC children
- Fabricated 3 fly away kits for Ex BALIKATAN; spt'd 17 sorties/100% dep rt--Filipino/US mil-civ tng drill successful
- Fabricated crates f/80 M16 wpn shpmt; replaced w/877 M4s--increased reliability f/close cbt range ops in Afg
- Facilitat'd mvmt/f 1.1K PAX; progress'd SOF strategy ISO OFS/ORS--repostur'd embattl'd war-ftrs w/in CENTCOM
- Facilitated 140 WG/52 FW dplymt; fwd'd 100 tons cgo on 6 acft--improved interoperability at tactical lvl ISO SbS 18
- Facilitated MICAP process; expedited 70 equip parts <25 mins valued at 750K--crushed AF TIN time by 25%
- Facilitated move of 340 AEF deployers; no missed in-place dates; vaulted efforts to eradicate terror networks
- Facilitated mvmt of msn essential assets to PACAF; expedited 3 LST hoses--bolstered Yokota msn capability by 50%
- Facilitated RED HORSE rotation; mvd 2K pax/22 bag plts--unit dplyd to 6 FOBs/enabled rwy expansion proj
- Facilitated smooth hand-off; authored turnover guidance for two pgm mgrs--replacements proficient <1 week
- Facilitated upload/transload of 103 mil working dogs/handlers; teams inplace/on time--vital to AOR security
- Fielded 1.3K+ calls from mil community; provided current flight info--pivotal to "Team Pete" Space-A prgm
- Filled E-6 Senior Controller/6 mos! led 5 mbr tm/provided C2 f/300 msns/mvd 2K tons cgo--sync'd ISR capes f/36 locs
- Filled PSAB afld response veh shortfall; dply'd critical firetruck/42K cgo lbs--ER/disaster relief capes restor'd < 48hrs
- Filled short notice deployment/Africa; transport'd 600 cgo tons/90 pax/110 msns--secur'd WALN/WAAD alft routes
- Filled TMO position; packed/shipped 728 orders/64 MICAPS/32 tns/$2.5M--guaranteed 100% on-time delivery rate
- Finish'd 40 hr Hazmat Inspector's crs; received 95% on EOC test--boost'd Sq's deplymt readiness capes by 5%
- Finished C-17 Aerial Port Expeditor course; increased weapons sys knowledge--enhanced velocity initiative
- Finished C-5/C-17 Aerial Port Expeditor crs; increased weapons sys knowledge--rcvd Academic Achievement
- Finished Enhanced Technical Info Mgmt Sys crs; rec'd 24 hrs instruction--fortified tech order mgmt techniques
- Fiscally minded; recovered 150 pallets/1.3K nets/1K chains/100 cgo straps of WRM assets--saved AF $150K
- Flawlessly transported 3,800 tons of munitions during 86 AW Explosives Safety Insp--unit rated "Excellent"
- Force multiplier! Led 36 OPSEC/MILDEC/EM/FM 6 month program review--ensured space/cyber dominance
- Force-multiplier; aced Hazardous Cargo Inspector course--increased msn capabilities to move haz cgo to AOR
- Forward thinker; coord equip de-fuel after IFE--over 100 gal removed/minimized delay/slot time maintained
- Furnished HQ AMC w/optimization data; compiled critical info--supported SECAF 20% fuel saving goal study
- Fwd'd 12 mil working dog tms; arlft rdy <1 hr...enhanced OEF threat detection capabilities--promote w/peers
- GATES cgo expert; corrected 80 discrepant/frustrated returned to customer--Bagram ITV 100%
- GATES WASO; maintained/unlocked 200+ accounts--guaranteed critical msn ITV/ensured data input integrity
- Gave impromptu brief to AMC/CC during acft upload; showcased port's abilities--coined for professionalism
- Gelled four flts; uploaded 17 explosive tons ISO Op ODYSSEY DAWN--supported NATO Libyan no-fly zone
- Global reach enabler; flawlessly processed/tracked 705 MICAP parts--400 acft returned to flight w/in 24 hrs
- Graduated AMC NGSL Operator Crs; 3 days/100% EOC--licensed driver/"Distinguished Graduate" recipient
- Guardian of AF assets; vigilantly scrutinized 100 personally procured moves--reduced expenditures by 10%
- Guided 6 prnsl during hi-vis CJCS msn; directed MHE & baggage spt--enabled US/Asia regional security talks
- Guided 8 mbr grnd ops tm; led prsnl/baggage upload f/30 coalition msns--safely fwd deployed 300 pax w/zero delays
- Guided AF's busiest AE hub; personally led transshipping of 24 fallen OEF/OIF heroes--returned w/dignity
- Guided Air Terminal security; screened 70 tons bags on 27 flights--enforced TSA rqmts/1.4K+ pax 100% safe
- Guided Amn's Attic restock tm; vol'd 12 hrs...coord'd mvmt of 600 donations in 5 days--served 14K base prsnl
- Guided assembly/upload of 87 tons for 86 AW ORE; on-time mvmt of 26 chalks--aided Wing ORI preparation
- Guided dplyd Lost/Found sect; ensured 585 misrouted bags reunited w/owners in <48 hrs--svd $87K in claims
- Guided gnd ops at AMC busiest enroute; moved 1K tons of HUMRO supplies--spt 19M Pakistani flood victims
- Guided gnd ops during HQ AMC LCAP insp; rcvd/departed 3,705 pax/177 msn--key to sq "Outstanding" rating
- Guided gnd ops; loaded 86 acft w/327 cargo/101 pax ISO Op Unified Protector--enforced Libyan no-fly zone
- Guided gnd svc on 18 State Dept msns...343 tons moved--sq rcvd '10 AF Nat'l Def Trans Assoc Mil Unit awd
- Guided intermodal spt; secured mvmt of 483 pallets of perishable rations--improved QoL throughout EUCOM
- Guided Lost/Found section; ensured 32 misrouted bags reunited w/owners in <48 hours--saved $18K in claims
- Guided Op UNIFIED PROTECTOR spt; loaded 283 tons/174 pax on 113 msns--integral to Libyan no-fly zone
- Guided TSA's Risk-Based Security ops; screened 4.9K pax/370 tons on 234 a/c--zero safety/security incidents
- GWoT Expeditor; rushed 14.3K SpecOps pax on 349 msns; successful OIF campaign--Al Qaeda threat stifled
- GWoT expeditor; secured time-sensitive spt for 244 Special Op msns/2K warfighters--Al Qaeda threat stifled
- Hand Selected by NCOIC; briefed 521 AMOW/CC on ramp services ops--increased DVs knowledge of msn
- Hand-picked Base PDS briefer; instructed 102 Airmen on "Team Building"--jr ldr/mentored tomorrows NCO's
- Hand-picked sect VCM; coord'd & oversaw insp/preventative MX for 21 vehicles worth $9M--awd'd PDOTM May '18
- Hand-picked to lead 14 eval's; $25M combat comm msn certified--provided secure comms to warfighting HQs
- Hand-selected 721 AMOG conf driver/chauffeured 721 AMOG/CC--kept pers on schedule/provided safe trans
- Hand-selected for joint svc msn at Rota NAS; moved 86 helos/129 pax--lauded by Army CC for job well-done
- Hand-selected; taught nine Rota NAS contractors 11 duty tasks--actions key to successful new contract stand-up
- Hard-charging; instrumental in the turn-in & packaging of 85.9K bench stock items--repositioned $500K assets
- Hastened F118 U-2 acft engine mvmt; mv'd $2.5K asset <2 hrs--enabled engine swapout/sustained $2B ISR program
- Headed off-site Space-A briefs; educated 112 prnsl on tvl benefits--won sect's "Top Performer" OTM...twice!
- Helped mvmt of MREs; built 18 plts/39 tons cgo/$180K--spt'd 2.8K BLM firefighters during Alaska's largest wildfire
- Helped neighbors during winter snow storm; aided 15 pers in 8 stranded vehs--removed people from elements
- Helped reconfigure high line pallet staging area and supervised the building of four new high line docks
- Helped relocate Ramp Services ops to new air freight terminal; guaranteed uninterrupted support of airlift msn
- High achiever; aced Contract Officer Representative course--successful transition between mil & com carriers
- Highly motivated Amn; scored 98% in C-5 Aerial Port Expeditor class--earned academic achievement award
- Humanitarian; bought/donated 8 items for sq care package program--boosted morale for 15 deployed members
- Humanitarian; coord critical 463L assets ISO Haitian earthquake--provided vital relief to devastated country
- Hurried 2 Phalanx Turrets for transport; palletized $70M CIWS shipment--fortified USS McCain anti-missile system
- ID'd & secured unattended classified docs; abondoned sites cleared for re-use--bolstered operational security
- ID'd 57 msn folder discrepancies; assured accurate data reported to HQ AMC--avoided manning lvls reduction
- ID'd 7 Theater Express pgm errors...briefed AMC/A4R; sparked MOA changes--facilitated Intra-Theater Arlft
- ID'd AF-wide C-130J "bending moment" issue; coord'd w/AMC--upgraded ICODES/saved 79 acft worth $4B
- ID'd job safety training guide shortfalls; developed template & tailored to work centers--enhanced work safety
- ID'd sub-std areas; cleaned 96 hrs/60 AW captured '10 Installation Excellence awd--base rcvd $700K for QoL
- ID'd/fixed cmd-wide air trans haz cargo issue; revamped tng--guaranteed safe flight ops for 113 acft & 30 pers
- Identified 40K lbs improperly marked contingency thru-load cargo; expedited corrections--assured safety of flt
- IG ancillary tng manager; coordinated over 220 tng events--guaranteed deployment readiness for 54 personnel
- Impeccable image; hand-selected to showcase high-tempo Pax ops to Wing CCM--coined for professionalism
- Impeccable Op ASSURED DELIVERY spt; moved 808 cargo tons--aided 270K displaced Georgian citizens
- Impeccable VP spt; led 10-person team/transferred baggage to waiting C-17--critical to nation-building efforts
- Implemented workarounds during major flooding/power outage--ensured continued ops during summer surge
- In demand! Selected as HQ AMC insp team augmentee; conducted 64 evals at 60 APS--validated compliance
- In-checked C130/C130J/F-16 items; moved 299/$20M critical acft parts--enabled 165 sorties/1K flying hours
- Infallible controller; smashed three personal evals during AMC LCAP insp--actions key to "Outstanding" rating
- Initiated 23 trouble tickets for missing info; ensured ITV of 223 pax--reclaimed $252K in lost AMC revenue
- Innovative Amn! Install'd tablet PC in Lost/Found rm; enabl'd remote capes--cut proc time 25%/svd 9 man-hrs
- Innovative; facilitated Wing lean initiative/implemented single-point Crosstell pgm--saved ldrshp 24 hrs qrtly
- Inspected 200 tons of cargo for Oct 09 ORE; zero safety of flt findings--elevated two areas UNSAT to SAT
- Inspected 85 load planning pkgs for accuracy; 95% ATSEV eval pass rate--led to '11 Air Term Ops Flt OTY
- Inspected 190 tons of cargo for Dec '09 ORE; zero safety of flt findings--increased four areas UNSAT to SAT
- Inspected/plnd 566 tons of munitions; zero acft sfty incidents--sq earned 2010 USAF Explosive Safety Plaque
- Inspected/QCed 65 load plans; corrected errors/validated training pgm--sect earned 95% inspection pass rate
- Instructed 1 airman initial bus training; provided oversight/knwldg for mbr in training--boosted mission readiness 12%
- Instructed 37 HAZMAT/Cargo prep crses; taught 188 Amn handling techniques--bolstered wg deployment readiness
- Instructed AFSO21 "Mgt Principles"; strengthened AF strategic goals/effectiveness--shaped 32 peers mindsets
- Integral player in popular mil incentive prgm; moved 333 pax via Space-A--saved members $80K in expenses
- Integrated airlift of 92 tons "Sight Sensitive" cargo on 30 State Department msns; executed CJCS' #3 priority
- Integrated IG/LCAP UEI prgms; sync'd 969 evals--postured AFSPC for TIG's AFIS vision/saved 3.6K man-hrs
- Integrated med tm arrival w/500 msns; 8K warriors acft-to-med center <30 min--sq won '10 Verne Orr award
- Intuitive developer; digitized station file copies--reduced paper waste by 146K sheets & saved $3.2K annually
- Inventoried/inspected 598 pallets/1825 nets; verified asset serviceability--validated war readiness capability
- Inventoried 45-day fleet supplies; accounted f/$550K expendable/non expendable items--ensured supply f/6.7K msns
- Inventoried/inspected 500+ pallets/1500 nets; verified asset serviceability--validated war readiness
- Ironclad 10 SFG rapid deployment spt; prep'd 91 pax/57 cargo tons--jt insp/eval 2 hrs ahead of 6 hr benchmark
- Joint Inspected 232 tons cargo/8 chalks for 615 CRW/60 AMW exercise--crucial training/ORI prep achieved
- Jt Force Warrior! Orchestrated mvt 151K paxs/7K tons bag on 1K msn--w/zero a/c delays
- Key developer of APEX refresher course; attended first class--revamped lesson plan/scored impressive 96%
- Key EET mbr; ID'd 10 emergency mgmt discrepancies during annual insp--ensured compliance w/AF guidance
- Key planner during OP EVEREST; rushed 837 CDS bundles to 22 drop zones--resupplied austere mil outposts
- Key player to ATO; mobilized 561 pax/shipped 149 tns on 36 flights--flawless spt f/3 KAFB wgs/100+ msn partners
- Key player; accelerated delivery of 11 tons of mail to deployed soldiers in the Balkans--boosted troop morale
- Key player; sq ATSO team mbr during 2009 HQ AMC ERI inspection--unit earned overall "Excellent" rating
- Key to air mob spt drng Korea Ex; trans'd 400 pax/28 tons of bags/3 msns--synced multinatl tng against DPRK threat
- Key to multi-modal ops; expedited 755 pcs/2K tons cgo on 692 trucks--resupplied 90K EUCOM prsnl/families
- Keystone in the mvmt of 2,986 paxs/ 86,618 lbs bags--ensured 100% on time delivery of warfighters to OEF
- Kept AMC in the fight; guaranteed pin-point movement of 1.1K AMC MICAP acft parts--sustained war effort
- Ldrshp dramatically impacted LCAP prep; completed 65 eval's...ID'd/fixed 14 issues--sq rated "Outstanding"
- Ldrshp dramatically impacted LCAP; pre-inspected 599 load plans--95% pass rate/sq earned an "Outstanding"
- Lead Engineering/Installations log inspector; postured 437 pers/1K tons cargo--met vital deployment timelines
- Lead Load Planner during '09 62 AW ORI; planned 549 cargo tons on 19 msns--earned IG "Top Team award"
- Lead NGB inspection; certified 378 deployers/600 tons equip--validated 2 Gp/6 Sq deployment proficiencies
- Leaned-out 6 EUCOM airlift channels; devised reroutes/reduced 1.5K flt hours--saved taxpayers $10.9M ann'l
- Led 125 mil/5 LN; mngd 35% workload surge; mvd 66K OEF/OIF warfighters--key to 98% on-time dep rate
- Led 13 pers; oversaw 291K pax up/download--key to 521 AMOW's Nat'l Defense Trans Assoc Mil Unit awd
- Led 2 mbr ground spt tm for POTUS msns; position'd staircase trucks at 2 acft--enabl'd Asia economic summit
- Led 2 professional development seminars; gelled 33 Airmen/12 instructors--postured subordinates for success
- Led 21 Joint POW/MIA Accounting Cmd vols; 336 man-hours/2 sites closed--repatriated 3 Airmen after 67 yrs
- Led 22 signature mgmt/virtual insps; eliminated 27 vulnerabilities--locked down space and cyber info security
- Led 4 FEMA C-17 spt msns; svc'd acft f/70 1st responders/14 ER vehs--provided relief spt f/3K Puerto Rico residents
- Led 4 mbr cgo air/surface tm; prcs'd 591K tons, inventoried 1K shipments--trans'd 205 plts...bested 40, earned Flt POM
- Led 60K/10K AT vehicle prep; provided backdrop for 521 AMOW activation--opened era in European alft
- Led 7-person shift at AMC's busiest enroute; 299K pax/53K tons/14K acft mvd--key to 99.3% on-time dep rate
- Led 8 prsnl gnd svc tm during POTUS/CIA Director/AMC CV msns--kept hi-vis DVs on schedule/1st-class svc
- Led 14 Amn f/AFCENT's busiest port; mvd 24K pax/2K tons bags--power'd 59 FOBs spt'g OIR/OFS/3K strike sorties
- Led afld ops; managed vehicle ops f/5 operators during up/download of 439th AES trng equip--secured $600k assets
- Led Backlog cgo tm; bolster'd opportune alft f/335K tons cgo/lowest lvls totals in CY'19--AMD SNCO of the 3rd Qtr!
- Led Child Dvlpmt Ctr painting proj; dir'd 15 volunteers f/8 hrs--svd $800 in contractor fees...coined by Sq/CC
- Led extensive scenario-based training in GATES, 8 airmen traind--enhancd AD counterpart operational effectiveness
- Led F-16 fwd-dplymnt; dlvr'd 12 jets/255 pax/175 incs < 2 wks--enabl'd AFCENT's lrgst intra-theater mvmt in 10 yrs
- Led fwd deplymnt tasking; coord'd 60K LTI/configuration & sel'd 2 Amn <24hrs--spt'd US Embassy at Djibouti, AF
- Led gnd ops on high-vis USO tour; mvd T. Lasorda/"Unit" actors/DVs/bags--lauded by CJCS Admiral Mullen
- Led Gp MICT utilization effort; trained six squadrons on new inspection software sys--ensured 100% coverage
- Led largest PAX section in Afghanistan; redeployed 227 mbrs/maint'd 100% TPFDD discipline--$239K saved
- Led munitions mvmnt; Joint Inspected 30 cgo tons/15 ammo plts/$250K--successful redplymnt Joint Coalition forces
- Led ops ISO Wg's deployment Ex; mvd 393 pax/10 msns w/out fail--proved JB's ability to project mil force to Pacific
- Led professional development seminar 4x; gelled 35 Amn/11 instructors--conveyed valuable info to future ldrs
- Led section through insp; directed flawless up/download of 72 msn--key to AMC LCAP "Outstanding" rating
- Led sq's largest section/AFSPC's busiest air terminal--21 SW earned '13 Gen Herres Awd "Best SW in USAF"
- Led upload of 452 pax & baggage for Exercise JUNIPER COBRA--key to joint US/Israeli anti-acft tng success
- Liais'd w/Canadian LNO on alft spt; ignit'd dormant routes moving 2K+ tns cgo/9K PAX--increas'd weekly route 300%
- Liaised w/Defense Courier service; moved 15 tons of classified cargo--safely delivered-time sensitive items
- Liaised w/Qatari immigrations cell; processed mvmt of 92 deportees--zero border violations or int'l incidents
- Liaised with Defense Courier service; moved 12 tons of classified cargo--safely delivered-time sensitive items
- Load planned $2.5M in fire fighting equip to Russia; over 23K active fires--hastened fire suppression efforts
- Load planned $4.5M Russian wild-fire aid; actions key to flawless short-notice mvmt--rushed vital equipment
- Load planned 20 aircraft; 198 tons of hazmat incidents--sq earned '10 USAF Explosive Sfty Plaque
- Load planned 300 cargo tons ISO OEF/OND operations--supplies moved w/in 24 hours after terminal arrival
- Load Planned 400 OEF/OND cmbt fatalities; assured dignified transfer--hastened heroes return to loved ones
- Load planned 861 MRAPs; supply airbridge continued...veh moved <8 hrs to OEF--enhanced IED's protection
- Load planned HARVEST FALCON mvmt; rushed 445 tons of cargo/827 pax--established Afghan FOB Dwyer
- Load planned/manifested 147 tons of explosives; zero mishaps--sq secured '10 USAF Explosive Safety Plaque
- Load team ldr JRTC 12-9 ramp ops; safely loaded 159 tons w/0 mishaps--elevated AF/USA jt interoperability
- Loaded 881 tons as Aerial Port Expeditor; zero mishaps--exceeding AMC's velocity initiative goals by 15%
- Log expert; ship'd 50 cargo tons in spt of fwd deployed space control forces--key defense sys in place on time
- Logistics expert! Exec'd 59 inspections--key to 21 SW earning '13 Gen Herres Awd "Best Space Wing in AF"
- Lost & Found pgm mgr; oversaw 20 agents/sped 139 bags to cust's <48 hrs--svd AMC $89K in lost claim fees
- Lost and Found representative; efforts resulted in recovery of over 1200 lost bags--unparalleled customer service
- Maintained 35 vehicle fleet valued at $13M; discrepancies to MX--ensured 96% vehicle in commission rate
- Maintained land mobile radio system--guaranteed critical communications at all times--always prepared!
- Managed 17 mbr section; maintained 240 MTLs/13 QTPs--achieved 100% compliance with AFI/local tng stds
- Managed 20 msns/moved 1K tons of cargo/340 pax; provided flood relief--relieved Pakistan victims' suffering
- Managed 63 mbr flight tng pgm; ID'd/corrected 23 discrepancies--paved way to '10 LCAP "Outstanding" rating
- Managed 8% wkly acft wkld surge ISO Op ODYSSEY DAWN; 3K pax/290 tons mvd--shielded 250K Libyans
- Managed AFSPC's busiest SAT; moved 3K pax/2.2K cargo tons/103 msns--ensured 100% safety of flight ops
- Managed AMC's #1 Term Facebook page; premier tvl info svc to 10.5K followers--pgm mirrored across cmd
- Managed APEX pgm; led/trnd 23 pers; mvd 3.4K tons/224 msns w/o loadmaster--slashed 6.7K crew duty hrs
- Managed C2 f/21 airlift missions; liaised with 3 wing agencies, pushed 5 tons of ballast cargo--assured 100% TDDR
- Managed JI of 47 tons of Offutt AFB mob equip; assured safety of $248K move--swapped out unit successfully
- Managed lost & found baggage section; expedited bags to mbrs--saved AFCENT $5K claim fees/praised by customer
- Managed mvmt of 434 MRAPs/30 Strykers; ensured protection of US warfighter--bolstered convoy defenses
- Managed Pallet & Net Prgm; used GART sys to rpt assets to AFMC--accounted for $195K in 463L pallets/nets
- Managed safe mvmt of 212 pallets/595 munitions tons/zero incidents--key to '10 USAF Explosive Sfty Plaque
- Managed short notice resupply tasking; expedit'd 400 nets & 100 pallets; saved AMC $155K restock expenses
- Managed sq website; maintained HR/MICAP status board--500 pers given immediate visibility to critical data
- Managed tng for 40 pipeline students; mentored a 100% CDC pass rate--earned '11 Lance P. Sijan Ldrshp nom
- Manifested 1,900 pallets/3,262 tons hazardous materials; verified shipping rqmts--guaranteed safety of flight
- Manifested 180 tons of munitions; sq garnered '09 AF Chief of Sfty Outstanding Achievement awd for Gnd Sfty
- Manifested 45 TPS shipments; safeguarded $6.5M in critical parts--maintained 100% origin/destination ITV
- Manifested 583 tons of munitions; sq garnered '09 AF Chief of Sfty Outstanding Achievement awd for Gnd Sfty
- Master operator! Qual'd on 8/8 vehicles; 0 mishaps--key to unit earning the USAF Ground Safety Plaque 2010
- Mastered 44 pax bus tng; completed 27 hrs class instruction/driving cert--heightened job proficiency/capability
- Mastered 80 hr Hazmat Preparer crs; achiev'd 98% score/earn'd 3 cdt hrs--prowess pivotal to KAFB dplymt machine
- Mastered TBA training; completed 2 hrs instruction on documenting training--heightened job proficiency/capabilities
- Masterfully trained & prepared personnel for LSEP inspection--flight & squadron garnered "Excellent" ratings
- Met acft/determined/disseminated msn rqmts for CENTCOM Deputy CC msn--presented stellar 1st impression
- Meticulous security agent! Enforc'd TSA stds; expell'd 317 prohibit'd items--ensured sfty of flight for 78K pax
- Meticulous; collected seat release data on 566 msns--provided HQ AMC hi-vis study info/max acft utilization
- Meticulously re-certified 64 active/reserve/guard personnel on NGSL ops--ensured global reach/msn success
- Meticulously trained 75 wing pers; taught proper cargo movement procedures--empowered 366 deployments
- Mg'd sect's Tng pgm; oversaw 47 prsnl records/3K tasks...guided 5 Amn thru UGT--incrsd sect's quals by 11%
- Mgmt Internal Control Tool expert; verified 55 HAF checklists/3.6K insp items--ID'd/fixed 34 errors <60 days
- Mng'd $750 change fund/$50K account; aced no notice Comptroller audit--lauded as "Best JB MDL funds pgm"
- Mng'd $8M eqpt account; val'd authorization levels/coord'ed cal of 458 assets--key to zero IG insp findings
- Mng'd mvmt f/hi-vis fwd logistics tm; pushed 5 pax w/12 hr notice--facilitat'd Syria exfil ops IAW POTUS directives
- Mng'd POTUS focused F-15 mvmt; adv'd 211 prsnl/22 msns--mitigated Iranian threat/secured 18-asset fleet re-posture
- Mng'd short-notice cgo build crs; trn'd 12 svc mbrs/preppe'd 3 sensitive cgo inrcs--cut JI time in half/zero msn delays
- Moved 12,000 passengers and 500 short tons of baggage with zero aircraft delays--extremely proficient!
- Moved 1K+ tons of humanitarian supplies; fed/housed 270K displaced Georgian citizens--relieved suffering
- Moved 339 C-130 props/tires between European repair facilities and SWA; sustained CENTCOM airlift ops
- Moved 67 cargo tons/287 ammo tons ISO US and Saudi Arabia Combined Ops--diplomatic alliance fortified
- Moved five tons mail; connected families w/30K deployed prsnl...raised morale across three AOR's--promote
- Multi-talented; prep'd/secured 1.9K satellite radar equip items for over the road mvmt--recouped $250K assets
- Multifaceted 2T2; oversaw mvmt of over 69K cargo tons/11K acft--vital in sustainment of OEF/OIF initiatives
- Natural leader; launched 72 msns w/zero errors/paved way to AMC LCAP "Outstanding" rating--promote now
- Orchestrated acft-to-acft transfers; provided transload support of 625 HRs--repatriated fallen warriors <24 hrs
- Orchestrated Ex Vibrant Response '14 spt; proc'd 98 tons cargo & 143 pax--pivotal to CBRN incident training
- Orchestrated gnd ops for 45 Aero Med msns; rushed 920 patients to Landstuhl Regional Med Ctr--saved lives
- Orchestrated lift; moved $9M British Submarine Inertial Measurement Unit--ensured safe/timely asset delivery
- Orchestrated movement of 172 tons/34 aircraft ISO 86 AW ORE--ensured 95% on-time despite real-world ops
- Orchestrated upload of 15 MRAP armor vehs; DoD's #1 priority rushed to warfighters--saved countless lives
- Org'd Afghan President gnd ops...msn tailswapped <2 hours--sped return for assassinated political ldr funeral
- ORS Super Strypi space test flight; expedit'd 40K lbs/$15M launch sys--ensured ADVON arrival/LOA from ORS CC
- Outfitted 30 msns; secured 563 cargo tons ISO USAFRICOM--enabled JTF combat ops w/extremists in Africa
- Outstanding C-5/C-17evaluator; inspected five pers uploading 62 tons of cargo--discovered zero discrepancies
- Outstanding dispatcher; oversaw gnd svc rqmts on 18 State Dept msns--integral to '11 AMC Pax Svc Flt OTY
- Outstanding support for Ex Maple Flag '14; insp'd 35 cargo tons & 130 pax--vital total force training a success
- Oversaw $2M vehicle fleet; scrutinized operator care insp & tng--delivered 97% vehicle in-commission rate
- Oversaw 158th Aviation Regiment contingency spt; led sequence of 200 cargo tons/20 msns--sustained GWoT
- Oversaw 35K pax/cargo manifests; ensured proper safekeeping/filing--zero findings during HQ AMC/LSAV
- Oversaw auditing/correcting/billing of 11K travel orders--meticulously accounted for $11M of traffic revenue
- Oversaw Denton humanitarian ops; transported 12 tons/10 plts donated goods--supplied Tanzanian orphanage
- Oversaw DoD's 2nd largest A/DACG terminal; handled 9K pers/313 cargo tons/172 msns--zero CCMD delays
- Oversaw flt's Lost & Found pgm; reunited 123 mishandled bags to pax <48 hrs--saved AMC $61.5K in claims
- Oversaw movement of two US Marshals; deconflicted travel doc problems--ensured seamless trans downrange
- Oversaw mvmt of 20 DVs for Air Chiefs Conf--enabled talks on NATO interoperability & force modernization
- Oversaw processing 1.5K classified shipments; ensured diligent surveillance--tracked w/no security violations
- Oversaw team of 4 through annual tour; ensured CBT and hands-on trn'g on over 24 tsks--100% training accomplished
- Oversaw USA gnd log; postured mass insertion...356 jumpers/17 consecutive chalks--enabled coalition show of force
- Pacesetting Amn; shp'd 50 cargo tons in spt of fwd deployed space control forces--key def sys in place on-time
- Palletized 710 office equip items; donated to local agencies--utilized organic trans capability, saved over $2K
- Partnered w/Army; validated 45 load plans/2K cargo tons destined for OEF--bolstered special ops capability
- Partnered w/ATGL manager; prep'd/cleaned 97 galleys/valued $8.5M--ensured vital eqpmt msn rdy f/PACAF AE spt
- Partnered with AD counterparts in performing vehicle maintenance--5 vehicles servcd--ensurd 100% missn readiness
- Perfect! Zero findings on 11 check-in evals during HQ AMC LSEP insp--#1 pick for "Outstanding Performer"
- Performed cargo SAVs on five wg units; ID'd/refined 27 show stopping conditions--mitigated safety concerns
- Performed escort/cleanup duty for Wg CC CoC and CCM retirement ceremony--honored distinguished career
- Performed passenger processing operations; verified travel eligibility for 6 pax--prevented pax traveling unauthorized
- Performed TSA's Risk-Based Security ops; screened 4.9K pax/370 tons on 234 a/c--met strict DHS protocols
- Personally processed ### applications for shipments; astute attention to detail resulted in zero missed pick-ups
- Phenomenal Amn! Shined in NCO billet/guided gnd ops for 520 pers--won 521 AMOW Air Trans Amn OTY
- Phenomenal! Mvd 285K pax thru AMC's European gateway; key to 521st AMOW '08 Pax Svc Flt of Yr Awd
- Piloted thru 1st EUCOM PE; 8% annual ops surge/aligned 39 prsnl--zero incidents or delays...lauded by 3-Star
- Planned $134M in cash shipments; funds expedited to nine sites in two AORs--essential infrastructure rebuilt
- Planned 106 tons of hazardous cargo; ensured safety of 15 acft; sq earned 2010 USAF Explosive Safety Plaque
- Planned 463 cgo tons/97 msns/50 fallen warriors; mvd backlog/honorable svs--sq achieved 99.3% dep rel rate
- Planned 92 tons "Sight Sensitive" cargo/30 DoS msns; spt'd 3 COCOMs peacekeeping ops--met CJCS priority
- Planned four high visibility propeller pallets; critical parts rushed to broke C-130--acft combat-ready in 24 hrs
- Played vital role in HQ AMC LSEP insp, '07; handled 794 tons cargo/268 msns--sq/flt rcvd "Excellent" rating
- Port Ops expert! Conducted flightline driving orientation/risk assessment crs--trained five mbrs/instilled ORM
- Positioned $16M ordnance; command'd mvmt of 2nd MOAB into AOR 18,700 lbs N.E.W--poised for ISIL offensive
- Postured 3 prsnl/2 MHE f/POTUS spt; ensured tm was tnd f/hi-vis ops--tm coined by Sq CC...rcvd LOA from ADVON
- Power'd EAGER LION; plann'd/execut'd 1.9K PAX mvmt--reinforc'd largest DoD/Coalition Ex in CENTCOM AOR
- Pre-inspected 50 general purpose vehicles; assured air worthiness--eased future air load planning requirement
- Precisely coordinated mvmt of 90K lbs cargo; ensured items were properly marked/packed--100% on time
- Premier Amn; briefed CMSAF Parish on ATOC daily ops--coined for professionalism by 521 AMOW/CCC
- Prep' d 7K pax/1.9K cargo tons; loaded 75 msns to CENTCOM AOR--invaluable support to OEF warfighters
- Prep'd 19 tons ballast cargo; load'd 15 local air crew trainers--invaluable supt to 337th AS deployment readiness capes
- Prepared $12M vehicle fleet for largest typhoon ever--prevented damage, fleet 100% operational!
- Prepared/delivered 50 cgo reports to US/German Customs; cargo cleared into country--zero EU customs issues
- Prepared/relocated 50 pallets of DRMO furniture=$2M; increased warehouse space by 3000 sq ft--outstanding
- Process'd 60 TPS shipments; QC checklists/$7.5M in assets safely handled--completed origin/destination ITV
- Processed 1.2K reciepts/$X.XM; supported 149 units/2.6K personnel--assets delivered with zero disrepancies
- Processed 30 MICAP <20 mins; crushed port std 66%--returned 17 acft FMC/synchronized AMC's #1 priority
- Processed 342 passengers/baggage; monitored/inspected 100% of pax/bags to ensure safety of flight and crew
- Processed 51K Space-A pax thru AMC's "Gateway to Europe"--saved svc mbrs/families $67M in tvl expenses
- Processed seven aircraft engines/four props worth $25M; supported XX sorties/X BoT--resulted in XX EKIA
- Processed terminating $7.5M acft engine; coord'd delivery w/721 AMXS--enabled engine swapout...acft FMC
- Processed/moved 75 classified items; 100% inventory control-- zero discrepancies and security violations
- Processed/shipped six F-16 engines; enabled 4-hr turn-around time--spt'd 1K fly hrs/xxx cbt sorties/xxx EKIA
- Professional spt for USAFA athletics; proc'd 2K athletes/43 tons/27 flights--red carpet spt for future leaders
- Proficient MHE training;arranged training on three MHE vehicles--enhanced aerial port vehicle familiarization 100%
- Programmed for 160 hrs; developed inclusive sq msn database--eliminated duplicate efforts/saved 30 hrs wkly
- Project leader for 1st ever PAFB Port Dawg 5K Memorial Run; paid tribute to fallen comrades--raised $1.3K
- Promising leader! 1 of 3 A1C's selected to attend C-17 APEX course--optimize AMC's Velocity Initiative
- Propelled priority mvmt of USN 999 cgo; re-routed 15 pcs at 2K lbs to DLA--critical radome repaired<24 hrs
- Proven ldr; met SECDEF acft/determined/disseminated svc rqmts to port sect--presented stellar 1st impression
- Proven performer; initiated 4 acft mishap/11 gnd sfty reports...ensured compliance & informed sq CC of event
- Proven performer; showcased AMC Passenger terminal for 3AF/CV visit--coined by 521 AMOW/CC&CCC
- Provided baggage/staircase support for POTUS entourage during visit to Lajes--safe and efficient operation
- Provided C2 f/emergency Embassy evac; expedited time-sensitive mvmt f/346 prsnl--prevented US causalities in Iraq
- Provided HQ AMC w/582 acft load plans for optimization study--aided SECAF 20% AF fuel-saving initiative
- Provided HQ AMC w/acft load info; pushed SECAF 20% acft fuel goal--saved up to 400M gallons saved ann'l
- Provided spt eqpt f/rudder fail diagnosis; pinpointed/changed inop flt ctrl module--ensured zero repeat/recurs, Aug 16
- Pushed fleet spt f/9 START/open skies; delivered meals to 27 delegates/4 msns--sustained world's largest arms treaty
- Quality Controlled 5K commercial travel reservations; travel cost declined--$6.7M cut from DoD expenses
- Quickly moved 30 tons of humanitarian rations to Sudan on two C-130s; fed famine victims--relieved suffering
- Rapidly moved 32 MRAP/11 Strykers veh's; enhanced convoy protection--Afghan road fatalities drop by 90%
- Razor sharp; attended Amn breakfast w/ unit's newly appointed CC--conveyed concerns of dormitory residents
- Rdy'd 2 RQ-4 Global Hawk engines for mvmt; built 3 tons/$5.2M <30 min--spt'd Jt combatant forces/ISR capabilities
- Readied 22 tons of humanitarian cargo for deployment to Sudan on two C-130s; efforts aided famine victims
- Readied section vehicles for HQ AMC LSEP & IG insp; zero vehicle/MHE write-ups--sq rated "Excellent"
- Received trans-load training; decontaminated/stored pallets while in MOPP4--ready for any eventuality!
- Recognized expert; selected flt rep for European Lg Readiness Wkshp--ID'd 24 issues/solutions for HQ action
- Reduced acft ground time; expedited 47 MICAPs valued at $16M/shipped w/in six hrs--crushed AF 24-hr std
- Relocated DoD acft spt; postured 42 tons/incr'd alfd throughput--decreas'd MEDEVAC response 20%/earn'd AFAM
- Resourceful! Assisted section's non expendable pgm; recouped over 20 items--$75K back to AMC alft budget
- Responded to AF-wide eqpt shortage; directed re-build of 7 strut gages/order of 2 more--returned eqpt to 100% cap
- Resupplied three CCMDs w/DeCA rations; mvd 5K tons food/zero spoilage--vital to sq win '13 Lg Term OTY
- Returned 45 flt packages for missing/incorrect documentation--avoided drop in authorized port manning level
- Revamped KAFB Pallet & Net facility; inspected/relocated $180K a/c tie-down eqpt--storage capacity increased 70%
- Revamped section tng pgm; created spreadsheet/tracked 32 reoccurring events--34 pers trained/kept current
- Reviewed 46 GO81 accounts; fixed 90 overdue items/27 discreps--bested 53 Amn as Flt's "Top Dawg" OTM
- Routinely acted as Sq Duty Ofcr; coordinated area de-ice for 200 pax during freezing conditions--zero mishaps
- Rush'd vital MICAP C-5 part; reconfigured from ADS T-3 to LGS T-2 <20 mins--$40M asset returned to FMC status
- Rushed 114 AMC MICAP; efforts expedited movement of parts w/in AOR--50 aircraft returned to FMC status
- Rushed 9K lbs of blood/11 "Life-or-Death" shipment to cmbt hospitals; mvd <12 hrs--key to 95% survival rate
- Rushed combat comm unit to OEF; loaded 85 pieces equip on 4 acft--linked isolated forces w/life-saving intel
- Safeguarded 108 gigabytes of trans files; secured data records files--data used for 7107 report/EPRs/sq awds
- Screened docs; ensured 100% compatibility/88 hazmat tons moved w/out incident--assured 16 acft safety of flt
- Scripted 66 UEI events; identified mission LIMFACs for 23 units--tackled AFSPC CC's #1 inspection priority
- Scrutinized 3,149 tons hazardous cargo; obtained acft diplomatic clearances--zero foreign customs violations
- Seamlessly managed eSecure/GATES interface pgm; >1K pax manually vetted--ensured zero movement delays
- Sect LMR rep; assisted revamp $90K pgm/12 equip pieces/provided vital comm--reconciled delinquent acct
- Secured $4.3M hi-vis wpns mvmt; arms delivered project discrepancy--DoD procured 1st order
- Secured automatic cash machine; cut funds counting time by 50%--svd 292 man-hrs...Sq's Top III "Perf" OTM
- Secured prompt MHE support for 29K patients on 907 msns; AOR to medical center <8 hrs--98% survival rate
- Security monitor; enforced TSA regulations/44K pax screened with zero violations--ensured flight/pax safety
- Sel'd for dply'd ATOC; coord'd 29 ton transport plan/16 urgent AMC MICAPs--boosted AB101 QoL/FMC rate 70%
- Selected as Gp SAP program mgr; coord'd w/six squadrons--efforts closed 75% of open inspection findings
- Self-Insp Pgm mngr; conducted 155 evals in 4 flt's; ID'd 30 discrepancies--readies sq for AMC LSEP/IG insp
- Selfless! Personally contributed $100 to Red Cross--aided relief efforts to Japanese tsunami & quake victims
- Selflessly partook in POW/MIA Remembrance Run; ran three 5K blocks--coined by 21 SW Command CMSgt
- Sentinel! Plnd 35 B-747/203 cargo tons mvd...maximized acft loads--guaranteed $3.2B commc'l contract usage
- Service before self; deployed to Al Udeid on short notice/led 10 pers as NCOIC--prevented sq "shortfall"
- Service before self; deployed to Al Udeid; loaded 14K pax on 920 msns in first 30 days--invaluable OIF spt
- Shared knowledge; transferred from Load Master shop--shared valuable knowledge/training to entire team
- Sharp Amn; continuously sets dress/appearance standards for others to follow--escorted DVs/rcvd two coins
- Shipped 500+ passengers, 2K tons of mission essential cargo on 250+ aircraft missions with zero delays
- Skillfully packed and certified 80+ hazardous shipments for air transport-- zero safety mishaps/violations
- Soared above peers! Essential to 21 SW earning the '13 Gen Herres Award--Best Space Wing in the USAF!
- Solved IG X-band dilemma; re-banded 12 overlapping skillsets--impacted 22K+ pers, averted mission failures
- Sought EESOH account & training; ordered/obtained HazMat items for pallet & net repair--corrected sq QA write-up
- Spearheaded emrgncy airdrop msns, 600 tons supply provided--directly enabled combat sustainment
- Spearheaded GATES 5.0 upgrade Functional Mgmt Board; set timeline w/programmers--prioritized 249 rqmts
- Spearheaded initial training for 67th Cargo team mbrs on staircase truck--3 airmen trained, job knowledge increased
- Spearheaded QTP assessments and TECs tasks; completed 6 proficiency tasks -- increased knowledge-ability in field
- Sped mvmt of 1.3K warfighters on 30 special operations msns--upheld security of US against terrorists actions
- Spt Denton Amendment pgm; spearheaded Afghan bean/rice shipment/120 tons mvd--foreign relations fortified
- Spt nine Afghan FOBs; facilitated mvmt of 8K tons of RED HORSE cargo--improved living/base infrastructure
- Spt'd 5 FOBs; prepared/consolidated 20 pieces/shipped w/in 12 hrs--helped save Govt $200 in shipping costs
- Spt'd 9 Afghan FOBs; loaded 8K tons of Red Horse cargo/1K pax--improved infrastructure/living conditions
- Spt'd AOR's busiest log hub; expedit'd 51 MICAPs/1.3K lbs/$1.2M--aided Wg 98% MC rate/300 cmbt sorties
- Spt'd AOR's busiest log hub; shp'd 1.2K pcs/15K s/t/$110M--enhanced warfighters cape/key to 300 cbt sorties
- Spt'd FTAC Space-A briefings; edu'd 36 Amn on tvl entitlements--earn'd sect's Log Readiness Amn OTY awd
- Spt'd no-notice NATO explosive mvmt <2 hours; coord parking/offload--aided coalition counter-terrorism ops
- Spt'd Op ODYSSEY DAWN; coord'd w/TACC/mvd 162 missiles--removed dictatorship/freed Libyan people
- Spt'd RED HORSE mvmt; manifested two water purification sys's--improved Afghan village living conditions
- Spt'd Special handling; performed dignified transfer of two fallen warriors--repatriated to family mbrs <24 hrs
- Spt'd USS Shiloh stern tube mvmt; assisted prep of 51 ton/63ft 3-axle trailer/shaft--Sq commend'd by 618th AOC/CC
- Sq SABC instructor; reinforced key life/limb saving techniques for 6--enhanced wounded/injured survivability
- Squadron safety monitor; conducted monthly inspections for 170 pers in 28 bldgs--ensured 100% compliance
- Steer'd AMC IG tm's flightline orientation; qual'd 16 mbrs to drive on afld--key'd 515 AMOW's "Effective" rtg
- Steer'd PSAB pax mvmts; liased w/acft planners/enabled trans f/2K+ warfighters--reinforced Saudi/US relationships
- Steer'd section CDC comp; sched'd 6 EOCs/80% CDC pass summary rt--66 core tasks completed/11 skill lvls awd'd
- Steered 79th EFS/F-16 trans; planned vital mvmt f/449 pax on 13 msns--reinforced defense posture f/5.2K U.S. troops
- Stellar leader; supervised 10 pers shift/directed 6 sections--actions crucial to unit's 99.3% on-time dep rel rate
- Stellar Theater Express mgr; 6.4K cgo tons contracted on 337 commc'l acft--saved $48M in organic arlft costs
- Stellar UDM; deployed 24% IG to provide A1/A4/A6/A7 spt at 12 locs--2.2K days "boots on the ground" ops
- Stellar up-keep of $2.5M vehicle fleet--achieved 99% in-commission rate--mission readiness enhanced
- Stellar VCNCO; overhauled deficient program, mng'd 15 vehicles/$2.2M--achieved 98% in-commission rate
- Stellar! Guided gnd spt on 232 aero med msns/mvd 12K injured warfighters--honored w/5-6 Club ldrshp awd
- Stood up new UEI/AEF structure; devised & launched implementation plan--decreased msn deficiencies 35%
- Stopped taxiing KC-10 from colliding with fire bottle; prevented aircraft and equipment damage
- Streamlined Al Udeid JI yard; managed staging area of 169 helos/314 pallets/19 veh--reduced load-set up time
- Streamlined CMOS pax process; self-taught/trained 9 personnel--cut KAFB pax processing time 40+ man hrs a year
- Subject matter expert on 463L equip; TDY to Stuttgart/briefed SOCOM senior ldrshp--fielded MHE questions
- Successfully launched 197 msns during HQ LSAV; flt conquered 46 evals--actions key to sq "Excellent" rating
- Superb crewchief for 9K acft/58K cargo tons; sustained OEF/OIF operations--enabled fight against terrorism
- Superb Ex Vibrant Response '14 trans spt; proc'd 98 cargo tons/143 pax--essential to CBRN response training
- Superb ldrshp; performed QA on 271 aircraft load pkgs--zero discrepancies rcvd/led to LCAP "Outstanding"
- Superb load team chief; uploaded 936 cargo tons ISO ASSURED DELIVERY--Georgian relief aid delivered
- Superior ldrshp abilities; led 19 pers sect...technical expertise key to flt winning '10 721 AMOG ATO Flt OTY
- Superior load team mbr! Key to successful handling of 4.9K tons cargo/119 msns--99.6% on-time dep rel rate
- Superior planner! Coord with cargo bookies to move urgent OEF/OND cargo--reduced surge backlog by 75%
- Superior planner; rushed 445 munitions tons ISO Op ODYSSEY DAWN--aided NATO-led Libya no-fly zone
- Supervised A/DACG airlift ops; moved 7K pax/1.9K+ cargo tons on 75 msns--unparalleled spt to warfighters
- Supervised AMC's pilot "cash-free" ops initiative; increased credit transactions by 70%--saved 504 man-hours
- Supervised Fort Carson OEF redeployment; 4.1K troops/4.7K tons/22 msns--deployed warriors returned safe
- Supervised ramp activities during mvmt of 21K pax; largest Afghan surge to date--warfighters in place on time
- Supervised/loaded 16 MATVs; rushed JCS #1 priority to CENTCOM AOR--decreased IED threat/saved lives
- Supervised 10 Army A/DACG loadteam mbrs; 350 tons of cargo loaded on 13 C-17 acft--zero safety incidents
- Support'd AMC's lrgst Wg; built 22K plts/39K tns/2.9K msns--help'd 60 AMW earn AFOUA & AMC CINC IEA '15
- Support'd Marine 2nd MEF/Task Force mvmt; processed 256 pax/32 s-tons bags/8 pallets--expedited warfighters fwd
- Support'd Wg Noncombatant Evac Ops ex; manifest'd 782 pax on 6 msns--perfected PACOM's Oplan spt capes
- Supported DoD agencies; redistributed equip to Navy/Border Patrol/DLADS--reutilized valuable gov resource
- Sustained DoD's 2nd largest A/DACG operation; handled 9K pers/313 cgo tons/172 msns--zero CCMD delays
- Sycn'd 92 ARW AEF deployment; processed/loaded 1K SR pax on 157 acft--reinforced Wg's warfighting capabilities
- Sync'd MHE spt on 2 Open Skies/DTRA msns; enabled surveillance/nuke wpns insps--deterred Russian threat
- Synchronized 10 APEX uploads; coord w/MX/ramp svc--cut gnd time 30%/optimized AMC Velocity Initiative
- Synchronized Ex EAGER TIGER spt; mvd 42 troops on two acft--facilitated SOF/Jordanian desert combat ex
- Synchronized INHERENT FURY spt; 76 pax/35 cgo tons moved--facilitated SOF/Jordanian desert combat ex
- Synergized six sects; loaded 11K Spec Ops pers/equip/ammo on 207 msns--repelled increased Al Qaeda threat
- Tabulated daily acft utilization report; informed sq ldrshp of cargo mvmt--provided timely trend data analysis
- Tackled 5-lvl UGT rqmts 6 months ahead of schedule; completed EOC exam/outstanding 91%--awd'd day pass by CC
- Talented logistician! Key to POTUS directed AFSSS site closures--saved $14M in annual sys operating costs
- Talented professional; selected Mar '09 Pax Port Dawg of The Month--member ready to advance to SSgt now!
- Talented young professional; baggage team mbr during Afgan President visit--critical to nation-building efforts
- Team chiefed 23 OEF msns; loaded 97 tons of vital resupply cargo--enabled just-in-time delivery to war-zone
- Teamed w/17 AF ldrshp; provided essential load planner training--readied mbr for short-notice deployment
- Teamed w/dplyd Comm sq; troubleshot...provided crit solution--restored GATES server outage after 49-hours
- Teamed w/Host Nation Coord Cell; processed 610 deportees for dep--avoided $610K border violation fines
- Teamed w/HQ; created 14 Integrated Global Convergence accounts/replaced aging sys--maintained global ITV
- Technical expert! Revamped dispatch continuity binders/tnd six prsnl--boosted operations efficiency by 20%
- Tenacious 86 AW ORE/ORI spt; guided assembly/mvmt of 1K tons/2K pax--warfighting msn rated "Excellent"
- Tenacious; won flt qtrly award for APEX msn's, safely loaded 290 tons on 21 acft--aircrew afforded extra rest
- Theater Express pgm mgr; diverted 5K cgo tons to commc'l carrier/plnd 139 acft--resulted in $44M cost saving
- Thoroughly reviewed 56 msn pkgs; ID'd missing route segments--recouped/returned $168K trans cost to AMC
- Thrived in MSgt role f/3 mos; led 42 pax agents...guided mvmt of 6K pax on 1.3K acft--critical to section ops success
- Tireless achiever; maintained 100% on-time departure rate for over 32 Citizen North missions
- Tm chief f/2 RAF/ASCOT msns; expedited $18.4M DoE PL-1 assets--bolstered relations/fortified allied defense cap
- Tracks/maintains/distributes pallets/nets/tiedown eqpmt; proper level preserved--reduced/eliminated shortfalls
- Trained 12 newly assigned personnel on CERE procedures--significantly enhanced war-fighting abilities
- Trained 23 ARC mbrs on 136 tasks; crushed tng goals by 135%--5 units dplymt rdy...awd'd "Outstanding Perf"
- Trained 67th/82d APS reservists; guided 9 prsnl on 8 tasks items <2 wks--readied AFR units for AOR dplymt tasking
- Trained four personnel on baggage X-ray equipemt servicing--increased uptime, reduced passenger delays
- Trained personnel on forklifts (4k & 10k), warehouse tugs, and Aircraft Loading Specialty vehicles (25k & 40k)
- Trained, supervised 12 Navy loadteam mbrs; 155 tons of cargo loaded on 10 C-17 acft--zero safety incidents
- Transferred flt mbrs AF form 55 to sfty sharepoint site; simplified mgt access to forms--eliminated paper waste
- Transloaded 11 rolling stock for Op NOMAD FIRE; handled 20 chalks/526 tons--showcased technical skills
- Transloaded 327 ammo tons ISO US/Saudi Arabia arms agreement--key to sq USAF Explosive Safety Plaque
- Transported 38 MICAP parts; 22 aircraft returned FMC/HHQ timelines met--key to AMC's Global Reach msn
- Trusted Sr Controller; choreographed four flts/spt ISO CJCS/USO msn--kept DVs strict schedule/coined twice
- Trusted Sr Controller; orchestrated VP Biden gnd spt--expedited plane-to-plane transfer <15 mins after arrival
- Unit electromagnetic radiation safety officer; scheduled initial inspections--ensured safe terminal environment
- Unit POC f/school health screening; led 20 mbrs/collected vitals for 235 kids--ID'd students w/medical issues
- Unmatched military image; hand selected to escort Hungarian Journalist on C-17 ops--fortified foreign relations
- Unmatched spt; monitored 1K tons of supplies to flood-stricken Pakistan--relieved suffering/shored relations
- Unparalleled ldr; supervised nine pers shift/directed six sections--cornerstone to AMC's busiest enroute hub
- Unsurpassed effort; moved 2,518 pax on 36 mil/5 commercial acft in single day--largest mvmt in unit's history
- Updated Cargo Prep trng schedules; adjusted class size from 10 to 15 seats--boosted increment monitors 33%
- Upgraded trans capacity for USAFA athletics; prep'd 2.2K+ athletes/43tons on 27 msns--high-caliber support
- Uploaded 7 SFG redeployment; processed 24 pax/2K baggage; solidified Army/AF relations--promote now!
- Utilized Aerial Port Expeditor pgm; load director of 551 cargo tons--optimized flexibility to manage workload
- Utilized APEX pgm; directed loading of 8 MRAPS/200K tons--hurried crucial delivery for Op SILENT SKY
- Utilized APEX program; directed loading of eight MRAPs/240 tons--DoD #1 priority delivered to warfighters
- Utilized processing skills; expedited 108 MICAP assets by DHL/FedEx-- on-time arrival of over 15M assets
- Validated 13 chalks/398 tons ISO GWoT--key to 521 AMOW's National Defense Trans Assoc Mil Unit awd
- Validated 19 SAAM chalks/712 tons mvd to 17 FOB's--sq clinched '10 Nat'l Def Trans Assoc Mil Unit OTY
- Validated accurate reporting of 7.5K cgo/truck manifests...$33M into TWCF--key to '10 AMOG ATO Flt OTY
- Validated MAJCOM pallet/net program; ensured 100% accountability--avoided $425K+ in replacement costs
- Validated Unit Line Numbers in GATES for 1.5K troop moves--eased scheduling of AOR intra-theatre airlift
- VCO f/KAFB LRS Nuc Cert'd & RMS AB/APS veh fleet; 20 veh/$3.8M--prgm insp earned APS "Top Wheels" awd
- Verified USSTRATCOM jt air trans capability; moved $17M equip/43 pax--JCS directed event a huge success
- Versatile; conducted TCN QC--expedited mvmt of 6,047 lbs mission critical cargo to 14 remote OEF FOB's
- Vigilant Wingman! ID'd & reported AWOL soldier to security forces--lauded by Wg ldrshp...coined for efforts
- Vigorous CDRF cargo processor; inputted over 30 tons of cargo into cargo system-- on-time aircraft departure
- Visionary; built community of practice/made flight schedule easily accessible to 50 pers--reduced emails 90%
- Visionary; provided expertise/help develop/taught sq "Dispatcher" crs; 40+ mbrs tnd--imparted invaluable info
- Vol'd 4 hrs planting 1K seagrass plants; spt'd Chotawhatchee Bay restoration projects--native habitat restores
- Vol'd 6 hrs f/bootastic setup; youth ctr's base-wide event/2000+ patrons--total success/lauded by prgm Director/LOA
- Volunteered to augment Ramp services during peak hours; loaded 747 cargo in summer heat--great team player!
- Volunteered to load baggage, operate step truck for POTUS entourage--showcased AMC professionalism
- Wing 463L alt equip mgr; maintained $238K in assets--shp'd 14 nets for repair, saved $4.9K replacement costs
- Wing CDF Program Manager; devised tng course/trained 11 pers--standardized deployment process base-wide
- Worked w/HQ AMC to clarify AMCI 24-101 Vol 9...created inventory guidance--eliminated duplicate work
- Wowed AMC LCAP inspector; led w/zero write-ups--key to "Outstanding" rating/lauded for stellar QAE pgm

Flight Service Center
- Back'd USS Nimitz; sped 2 hi-vis reqs to A-18G jet--spt'd Op OCTAVE QUARTZ/relocated 800 mil to E. Africa AOR
- Executed DoD directed C-130J upgds; secured 220 sys spares f/11 MDSs--gen'd 207 EUCOM aerovac msns/11K pax
- Wg PQDR mgr; networked w/IM/rtn'd 61 defective spares f/depot analysis--recouped AF $3.8M/deterred vendor fraud
- TDY to LUX; aided 86 MMS w/UTC build-up/inv'd 769 bare base assets/$332K--imprv'd TAV/incr'd dplmnt readiness