
Unit Training Manager (UTM) EPR Bullets

See also: Unit Training Manager Awards

- Administer'd unit training program; issued CDC's/schedul'd mandatory training--assured training completion/41 prsnl
- Advocate for professional development; mentored members on importance of PME; 50% increase in quotas received
- Aided Force Support Sq; instructed AF Training Course/qulified 25 new trainers--overcame critical training shortage
- Assessed 21 workcenter MTPs; id'd/eliminated 2.5K unassigned tasks--qualified psnl up 8%/decreased trng time 19%

- Assumed higher responsibility; mng'd trng of 1.3K pers; crafted policy f/four sqs w/11 diff msns--raised SFG stnds
- Attended 8 hr Green Dot crse; mastered trng techniques, led 2 classes--enhanced SAPR/Suicide awareness for 80 pers
- Attended Crucial Conversations crs; performed 16 hrs crs work/interactive dialogue--enhanced communication skills

- Backfilled Wing trng; proctored 200 PME/CDC exams, processed 45 formal trng requests--sustained UGT continuity

- Closed gap of min manning w/in-depth trng--1st half of UTA in-house trng; 40+ hrs, boosted office capabilities
- Completed 2 school waivers; evaluated/reviewed/monitored 1K trng entries--saved 442FW $60K/150 utilization days
- Completed four credit hrs towards Public Admin Doctoral Degree; maintained 4.0 GPA--inspired peers/subordinates
- Composed 4 hr anti-drone crs; cert'd 300 Amn on def sys/58% of sq--crit f/lrgst PL1 mvmt in 13 yrs/USAFE benchmark

- Coord d w/USAFE; execut'd data call/validat'd msn rdyness rqmts/sec'd 18 crss--trn'd 72 prsnl/sav'd $277K TDY funds

- Deliberate training: propelled 52 Airmen through UGT, proctored 10 CerTests CBT End of Course, taught 1 AFTC
- Detail oriented; identified various training discrepancies--trained members/supv's on proper management techniques
- Developed EPME trng slides; created step-by-step procedures/briefed 600 mx pers--expanded MXG NCO knowledge
- Developed new ancillary, OJT, SOT prgms f/SFG; captured 4.7 GB of data--standardized rpts & capes of 1.3K pers

- Direct'd 3 day prcs imprvmnt; revis'd gp routing prcs/execut'd 68 trng docs--sv'd 4.6K hrs yrly/safeguard'd $459K f/trng
- Directed mx scheduling f/6 sq's; secured 271 crs's/7.2K instr hrs/2.5K students trn'd--won 366 FW Mx UTM of 2020
- Directed/established Command Post TBA; crafted UGT prgm/trnd 5 Amn--solidified 100% task coverage/compliance
- Drove insp compliance; vett'd 166 items/ID'd 12 deficiencies/creat'd 60 day CoA f/4 sqs--vitalized trng for 1.5K prsnl

- Dvlp'd self-assesment chklst/3-mo effort; creat'd 7 categories/145 insp items--USAFE best practice/avail to 2.1K prsnl

- Educated UTMs on AFTC/TBA crs instruction; evaluated/certified 4 NCOs--boosted FW instrs 27%/60 psnl qualified
- Enforced Unit Training policy; allowed unit understanding of training pgm--reduced formal school cancellations 30%
- Established MOF UCC/SMT lead; directed 3 CPS facilities/600+ psnl/3 OREs--awarded BB 19-1 Superior Performer

- Fire Training Officer ensured 24 personnel training prerequisites were completed--100% compliance w/AF standards
- Fully in-processed 10 Airmen into 144th CES training program = 30 orientations = 10 initial + 10 evals + 10 CDCs

- Galvanized gp SOT; tracked 47,528 CBTs, 142 DPEs, 854 courses & 675 Amn in OJT--advised sr ldrshp/zero losses
- Governed Sq SCR pgm; assessed 129 mbrs/updated 50 certs/verified 614 tng rqmts--enabled 767 acft srts/3.6K flt hrs
- Guided/led 36 trng monitors; revamped/implemented scheduling processes--decreased unit overdues by 98.5%

- Honed SF CC vsn/6 mos; sec'd $23K f/3 wpn crss/creat'd 8 hr tac CATM crs--incr'd lethality f/505 mbrs/AF top priority
- Hosted 16-hr Msn Gen crs; org d site/crs media/24 ldrs--cut $120K TDY cost/bolster'd inter op f/Ops/Mx prsnl/2 bases

- ID'd career fld update/60 day CoA; led 25 SNCOs/cert'd 84K tasks--AF Installation/Msn Spt Center's Best Trng Prgm
- Implemented new trng forecast sys; modernized recurring process f/6 UTMs--incrs'd OS ute rt 10%/awd'd NCO 1st Qtr
- Improved Sup's training effectiveness--developed mult annual training plan projections & conducted 4 internal SAVs
- Initiated IMDS data mine; ID'd/removed 163 crs codes errors--restored system integrity f/74 work centers/1.8K mbrs

- Inspected 45 MIS records; mentored 25 supervisors/corrected 150 discrepancies--awarded MXG's Mustang Maintainer
- Institut'd Gp pre-dplymt vetting process; ID'd 1.3K tng items/created 22 classes--incr'd msn readiness f/112 deployers

- Lean forward attitude: increased supervisor involvement/accountability--delivered testing keys for multiple trainees
- Led 3-mo duty pos reorg/47 NCOs; vett'd 1.1K local tasks/195 chklst w/stan/eval--aligned 39 pos/cut crit tasks by 41%
- Led 5 UTMs/LN; revamp'd gp schdling prcs/stdz'd 3 products--cement'd 796 trng allocations/upheld 98% utilization rt
- Led charge to change SFG DPE prgm; removed reqmt to produce letter--cut 75 man-hrs per wk/per sq/aligned w/AFI

- Led Sq upgrade tng; mng'd 113 trainees/18 AFSCs/3.1K tasks--elevat'd quals 18%/drove AF's premiere KC-135 fleet
- Led ToC initiatives; utilized ISD principles/created trng monitor crs f/82 members--increased TSE rt 6%/beat ACC std
- Led trng prgm tm f/185 Total Force Amn; coord'd 66 crs requests--enabled dvlpmt...155 trng prods spt'ing 12 AFSCs

- Masterful mentor assisted: 6 Airmen with CDC materials, 4 Airmen start formal schools, 3 Airmen w/study methods
- Mastermind'd new GO81 tracking process; consolidated tng crs codes/elim'd 3K items--decreas'd Gp MIS errors 40%
- Mentored 50 airmen on career advancement;50 pers enrolled in PME--secured AFRC Unit Mx Effectiveness Awd '16
- Mgd'd AFTC schedule; combined 237 hrs of instr/79 Amn spanning across 83 AFSCs--taught new sups how to train

- Mng'd block crs restructure; coord'd w/MTF instrs/conjoined CPR & MXOR f/1.6K prsnl--recouped 750+ mx hrs/yr
- Monitored readiness reporting; evaluated unit posturer/assess'd 44 UTCs monthly--provid'd HHQ vis/unit capabilities
- Monitored unit OJT; track'd 626 core tasks/conduct'd trng f/9 AFSCs--advis'd sr ldrshp/ensur'd 0 documentation losses
- Multiplied the force; supplied 412 classes/qual'd 4.5K TFI psnl--fortified 99% utilization rt/surpassed ACC std by 44%

- Negotiated continued critical host-base sprt--UTA testing continued ensuring on-time CDC/PME completion

- Orchestrated Silver Flag training for 25 CE PAX & pre-deployment training for 49 CE PAX--Sq ready for any threat
- Org'd 80 hr AT LV2 trng/3-mo effort; coord'd w/AMC/fus'd 40 DTRA/ITAF reps--sav'd $81K/boost'd sfty f/9.5K prsnl
- Organized 3 Wg AF trainer classes; instilled tng pgm processes/trainer fundamentals--developed 24 Amn from 6 Sqs
- Organized EOD quarterly trng plan; 6 man shop + $3M eqpmt resp ready--ACA, DSCA, deployment msn postured

- Organized formal trng/PME quotas/CDC crses for 56 AFSCs--cinched TFI General Welsh One Air Force Award '17
- Oversaw 4 sq trng prgms; coordinated in /out-processing f/358 Amn/sched'd 131 crs exams--secured 99% CDC pass rt
- Oversaw 54 ADPE assets worth $26K; designed updated control guidelines--aided 100% equip accountability FY'17
- Oversaw IMDS crs code deep dive; ID'd/fix'd 47 AWACT dates--reduced MMCL backlog 14%/ensured data integrity

- Partnered w/Active Duty, Vandenberg AFB--fully qualified 3 Electrical craftsmen--eliminated certification shortfall
- Performed Sq training inspection; audited nine AFSC training plans/programs--identified & corrected 11 deficiencies
- Piloted 10 AFTCs; cert'd 68 new trainers/8 Sqs on AF tng policies--boosted tng capes 24%/impacted 1.8K Amn/3 Gps
- Piloted gp CDC pgm; compiled qtrly data/conduct'd briefings f/2 Sq CCs/readied MDG f/2 Wg SOTs--coined by Top 3

- Processed 25 upgrade training requests; coord'd w/supervisors/validated training completion--increas'd readiness 29%
- Procured msn critical trng; coord'd AETC W&B/CDDAR MTT crses/25 psnl cert'd--saved MXG $40K in TDY funds
- Promoted PME across Wing--problem solved w/BTM--removed formal school resubmission bottlenecks & wait time
- PROVEN PERFORMER--Dual hatted Unit Tng Mgr & Unit Career Advisor--20+ members retained to unit & USAF

- Reduc'd Msn Orientation 80%/5 days to 1; tm'd w/dvlpmnt sect/cut 32 hrs--ensur'd crs cmplt'd <4 wks/sv'd 55K hrs yrly
- Revised acft tech trng prgm; Id d 250 inconsistencies/combined 3 MTPs--decreased deficiencies by 30% for 96 pers

- Saw/overturned neg sq tng trends; led 3-man tm/mng'd 124 crs's, incrs'd capacity 735% & zeroed overdues--set stnd
- Scuitiniz'd Mat'l Mgmt record reversal program; rectifi'd 25 processing errors--saved $450K in erroneous transactions
- Secured mobile trng team/cemented A-10C Weapons Mx Crse; qualified 5 TFI pers--protected $12.5K in TDY funds
- Selected as FW UTM IG Inspector; insp'd 6 sqs/id'd/fixed 24 deficiencies--propelled CAF's largest FHP/ready to F2N

- Selected as IG insp team trng SME; reviewed 2 prgms/Id'd 5 errors--coordinated/initiated fixes for 100% compliance
- Showcased trng expertise; mng'd 8K Red Flag rqmts/processed 137 CAF 64s--aided 800 sorties/1.8K flt hrs/178 psnl
- SME f/MXG tng OI; targeted 5 negative trends/revised scheduling process--modernized TTPs/sv'd 2K man hrs yearly
- Spearheaded 442 MXG trng; prep'd 288 crses/9K instructor hrs--enabled 5K flt hrs/2K sorties/94% MSE rate FY '17

- Steered wg's AFAF campaign; led 5 member tm, provided weekly statistics w/100% contact--solidified AFAF legacy
- Stepped-up to teach AFTC at GSU; certified 7 TACP/Camp Red Cloud psnl--sustained ASOS combat readiness prgm
- Streamlined 2096 process; revised Gp routing procedures/checklist visibility--reduced errors 20%/upgraded 152 Amn

- Took on SF trng supt role outside AFSC; led 12 ppl, 29 sq & three gp prgms--produced more w/less/aced HHQ insp
- Trusted and true professional--masterfully handled civ/mil trng issues; 248 mbrs benefited from trng accuracy

- Unit Training Manager; acquired/executed 1365 training days--17 personnel upgraded in respective AFSC skill level

- Vigorously integrated AFOSH safety into technical training methods--unprecedented training program improvement

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