
AFSC 1A4X1 Airborne Operations EPR Bullets

AFSC 1A4X1, Airborne Operations, was merged with AFSC 1A3X1, Airborne Mission Systems, in 2014

- #1/3 ASTs; brilliant aircrew member/combat leader; Jul SQ Star Performer--ready for instructor or SST upg!
- 100 percent tracking guaranteed flight safety of all coalition aircraft operating in small, congested "kill boxes"
- 100% tracking for over 30 cbt msns; guaranteed flt safety of coalition acft--zero mishaps in six mo deployment

- Aggressively pursuing duties; finished 100% continuation trng in AOR/ahead of peers--rdy experience upgrade
- Augmented dply'd base post office; vol'd 12 hrs, sorted 100k lbs/7k packages--morale/welware to 2K jt prsnl
- Augmented Sq AST shortfall; integrated surveillance tactics/procedures--enabled 8 hrs on-station ISO OIR msn objs

- Collected intel on 24 ATOIs; logged 500 acft flt characteristics--enhanced CENTCOM battlespace awareness
- Collected intel on 38 acft of interest; logged 250 flt characteristics--honed CENTCOM battlespace awareness
- Combat aviator; expertly flew 30 OIR msns/402 hrs/100% ID's & ROE compliance--CFACC objectives met
- Completed 4 classes/2 CLEPs/18 hrs towards AAS Air & Space Technology--maintained impressive 4.0 GPA

- Completed jnt Link-16 interoperability course; 3.25 training hrs/97% test score--increased datalink knowledge
- Conducted AEF handover procedures; dual E-3 ops validated--seamless C2 coverage/changeover for GWOT
- Consistently outdrives peers; completed 300 hrs of grueling CFA cert--boosted AF financial mgmt knowledge
- Coord'd 500 flt meals; supported combat ops--won SQ Bi-Monthly Team Awd for Jul-Aug 11 & Sep-Oct 11

- Coord'd 727 EACS surveillance immersion prgm; fostered AWACS/CRC integration--improved C2 relations
- Coord'd escort for 25 DV & pax; fostered AWACS/CRC/PATRIOT integration--improved lateral C2 relations

- Dedicated 5 hrs dplyd tail swap crew; ensured 2 hr turnaround--lauded by SQ/CC as "quickest I've ever seen"
- Dedicated to professional development; enhanced tactical knowledge of 8 aircrew--completed 62% of ECTP
- Delivered critical radar/IFF to C2 pkg CC; two KIA/five bldgs destroyed--integral part of Team of the Month
- Detected new trends/patterns of life in AOR; tracked & ID'd 12K acft/rpt'd 19 ATOIs--verified CFACC's intel rqmts
- Dynamic link mgr; 526 hrs of data links, flawless SIAP--ensured AFCENT CAOC S/A for CFACC decisions

- Engaged in academic self-improvement; actively pursued MBA--accrued 15 credit hours--maintained 4.0 GPA
- Enhanced CRC radar coverage/ID'd potential terrorist targets ISO Op SUMMER & FALL--ANSF safeguarded
- Execut'd Arabian Gulf Shield ex; detected/tracked/ID'd 88 coalition acft--bolstered regional defense readiness
- Executed 2 msn pivots; flew 105% of frag/1st alert launch/zero cancels--enabled Sq's record hrs/40% increase

- Executed 25 intel debriefs; provided critical ATOI tactics/trends--integral to shaping future C2ISR taskings
- Executed ID matrix; ensured radar tracks correctly identified--provided CFACC/AOC w/ accurate air picture
- Executed ID matrix; guaranteed flt safety of 900 coalition acft--100% accurate SIAP to 250 jnt units/CFACC
- Executed xx cmbt msns/xxx hrs; spt'd xxxx Coalition acft w/ xx dynamic tgts destroyed--spt'd CFACC's OIR C2 objs

- Expert Amnship; ID'd/trk'd 15 ATOIs/276 Syrian mil acft--data critical ISO intel reconstruction of enemy PoL
- Expert AST; sys/tactical knowledge key to msn success--exp upgrade w/in 6 mos CMR; mentored new AST
- Expert tracking delivered to 3 Host Nation OCA/DCA LFEs; 68 acft/5 SQs trained--validated GCC CONOPs
- Expert tracking during Host Nation OCA/DCA LFE Exs; 68 acft/crews, 5 Sqs trained--validt'd GCC CONOPs

- Expert tracking for five coalition OCA/DCA LFE Exs; 58 acft/crews, 12 MDS trained--validt'd GCC CONOP

- Facilitated wpns employment; spt'd 1xx ROZs/x.xK kill-boxes/x.xM lbs fuel x'fer--aided xx kinetic events/xx EKIA
- First AST in new Iraq AOR/retask'd in-air; 16 msns/ID'd 8K acft/48 ATOIs--est'd surv SOPs for "no fail" msn
- Fitness trng ldr; designed/led deployed PT prgm, supervised practice PT tests--22 mbrs exceeded AF standard
- Flew 23 msns/320 hrs; SA for 18 coalition airdrops/160K lbs of aid--30K civs saved/broke 2x enemy sieges

- Flew 25 sorties/400+ cmbt hours ISO OIR; spt'd five TICs/three jt strike pkgs/350 acft--CFACC priorities met
- Flew 39 OEF msns/493.8 hrs; detected/ID'd 4.5K tracks/10 ATOIs--enabled CAS for 30 grnd units under fire
- Flew 40 OEF msns/500 cmbt hrs--enabled C2 for 4 TICs/216 coalition acft tracked, 3,610 acft id'd, 6 ATOIs
- Flew 42 OEF msns/530.5 hrs; detected/ID'd/reported 4.9K tracks--enabled CAS for 30 ground units under fire

- Flew 43 OEF msns/549.7 hrs; ID'd/reported 5.1K tracks/10 ATOIs--enabled CAS for 30 grnd units under fire
- Flew 526 OEF hrs; enabled C2 for 1,363 coalition acft, ID of 7,897 acft/41 ATOIs/25 EOIs--spt'd two TICs
- Flew 526 OEF hrs; enabled C2 for 1,363 jts/coalition acft, ID of 7,897 acft/41 ATOIs/25 EOIs--spt'd 8 TICs
- Flew xxx on-station hrs; mng'd xxK air trks/spt'd x named ops ISO OIR msn--provided critical C2 ISO CFACC objs

- Focused, detailed operator; accurate debriefs enabled sustainment of world's largest link network--IAST now!

- Generated 100% accurate air picture for USN assets; deconflict'd ten acft--enabled safe/successful live fire Ex
- Generated 1st AOC CRAF cell; led 3 mbrs/130 lifts/evacuated 124K pax--pivitol to lgst US humanitarian alft to date
- Good AST w/unlimited potential; ECTP 85% complete--rdy for "experienced", consider for SST in 12-18 mos
- Guided CONUS NEO distro; built 297 msns, coord'd w/5 locations/3 org's--max'd 4 temp safe havens f/54K refugees

- ID'd smoking eqmt on cmbt msn; primary fire fighter/saved $330M acft/21pers--spt'd strike/100% station time
- ID'd/fixed multiple in-flt malfunctions; 80 radar faults/three high voltage, six amp failures--saved 100 cmbt hrs
- ID'd/removed 10 acft in restricted zone; xmt'd air picture to USN--fighters safely executed live fire missile trng
- Indispensible AST & ldr--critical to crew winning SQ Bi-Monthly Team Awd for Jul-Aug 11 & Sep-Oct 11

- Integrated E-3 in world's largest link; forward'd 4K+ trks/pts--enabled rapid ftr/bomber CAS response to TICs
- Intgrt'd E-3 into world's largest datalink architecture; told 17.2K trks/7 C2 agencies--99% success to CAOC

- Key to deconfliction of 1,189 ROZs, 1,348 KBs & 6 priority events--ensured 312 BMA hrs of C2 coverage

- Lead ART for Yemen SOF evac; prov'd crit data to cntrl 29 acft/12 tkrs--100 US pers/70k lbs cargo airlifted
- Lead AST for Ex IRON AGATE; tracked/ID'd 57 jnt/coalition acft--proved E-3 rdy for ADAG/validated TTP
- Lead for 2x spin-up flts; trained six ASTs in AOR procedures/Iraq msn--20% gain in AFCENT certified crews
- Led 3-mbr surveillance team on xx OIR msns; detected/ID'd xx air trks of interest--completed 93% upgrade trng rqmts

- Led 4 mbr surv team ISO 37 OEF/ex msns; flew 436.3 hrs, ID'd 4K acft/10 ATOIs--spt'd 30 HHQ tasked acft
- Led host nation exer msn plan; coord'd first ever real-world/jt COP--spt'd 2 MC upgrades/CFACC #1 obj met
- Liaised w/flt kitchen rep; mng'd order/delivery of 19k flight meals/30 cmbt msns--sustained health for 21 aircrew/pax

- Maintained government facilities; improved health & morale for OG residents--lauded by OG/CC--"good job"
- Managed cmbt TPA; surveilled 500K sq miles theater airspace--extended CFACC AOR coverage by 150%
- Managed detection/trking/IDs of 17.2K acft; enabled cntl of 1.5K acft/9.8M lbs fuel tx'd--35 strikes/132 EKIA
- Managed ID process; 98% accurate trk IDs in under one min--ensured Afghanistan nat'l airspace sovereignty

- Managed link 16-centric BMA network; orchestrated 414.5 hrs datalink ops--air picture key to AFCENT COP
- Mission focused; ordered & delivered 500 flt meals for 25 combat msns--sustained health of 20 crew members
- Mission minded; mng'd delivery of 1K flight meals & H2O for 44 cmbt/Ex msns--sustained health of crew/pax
- Mng'd surv section classified docs/items; de-briefed 31 surv logs to Intel--vital for future ops, zero violations

- Perf'd as Sq's duty amn; spt'd xx days/50 hrs/maint'd/org'd 2 facilities/9 workcenters--upheld Sq's professional image
- Pivotal mbr of preflight team; prep'd 17 cmbt rdy acft--delivered 98% sortie rate & 200+ hrs AOR coverage
- Point-man for deconflicting 1st coalition humanitarian airdrop; msn successful--saved 15K displaced civilians
- Prep'd 45 E-3s for wartime mission; found/corrected four discreps/60 hours--zero radar/IFF delayed take-offs
- Protected 40 coalition aircraft w/ Syrian thrt warning; ISIL compound hit--disrupted homemade explosive cape

- Rcv'd 3 hr EACS orientation; learned radar/radio capes/surv procedures--improved TAC C2 AOR mutual spt

- Sanitized 206K sq mi. AOR; tracked 6.2K acft during 71 cmbt spt hrs--enforced freedom of navigation in gulf
- Sanitized cmbt TPA; surveilled 500K sq miles theater airspace--extended CFACC AOR coverage by 150%
- Spt'd Ex IRON AGATE; detected/Id'd 57 acft--flawless ROE executed; TTP verified for CFACC's #1 priority
- Spt'd ISR for SOF TF on night #1 of Iraq offensive/16 strikes--Mosul Dam/1.7M civs' power & water secured

- Spt'd JADEX 12-3; integrated 24 tactical assets/48 datalink participants--ensured battlespace eyes for HHQ
- Spt'd JADEX 12-3; provided C2ISR to 24 theater tactical assets--key to timely ID & CAOC datalink success
- Spt'd JADEX 13-5; provided C2ISR for 4 Naval assets/3 HVAA acft/14 ftrs--joint interoperability achieved
- Stellar Sq Ramp Supervisor; oversaw 28 acft launch/recoveries--ensured rapid E-3 response ISO coalition cmbt ops

- Strong AST, poised for success; CDCs complete/ECTP 85% complete--ready for experience/Instr AST upgrd
- Strong-minded leader/NCO/SST; identified OEF link discrep's/spearheaded link updates--send to ISST ASAP
- Supervised 3-pers team; 500K sq mi cmbt airspace sanitized--enabled rapid ftr/bomber CAS response to TICs
- Supervised ID process; 98% accurate trk IDs in under one min--ensured Afghanistan nat'l airspace sovereignty

- Surv expert; tracked/logged 38 trks of interest/313 Syrian mil acft--100% ID's met for CFACC's #1 objective
- Surveillance expert; detected/ID'd/tracked/logged 10 ATOIs in 2 combat theaters--updated DoD intel database

- Team focused; assisted w/ food logistics for 21 aircrew/1.8K meals prov'd--assured sustenance for 31 sorties
- Took charge of classified materials; acct'd for 15,000 items in 5 kits ISO OIR msns--ensured OPSEC/100% acct/0 dis
- Tracked 255K sq mile airspace; detected 56 HHQ TOIs/ID'd 9K acft--real-time vis of jnt acft ops to CAOC
- Tracking coordinator for Jordan ADLT ex; ID'd/reported 18 acft to 9 jt C2 agencies--flawless ROE execution
- Troubleshot Link 16 TSR network errors; provided ARICO opnl feedback--ensured critical warfighter S/A

- Vol'd for SQ picnic team; provided food/entertainment 100 SQ/GP mbrs/six crews--SQ/CC lauded "great job"
- Volunteered eight hours towards managing distribution of morale boxes to Wing--embodies service before self
- Won SQ Bi-Monthly Team Awd for Jul-Aug 11, Sep-Oct 11; led 3-mbr surv crew--zero mis-ID's in six-mo's

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